Train your own PetGPT at home!

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Thanks to LLaMA and Alpaca-LoRA, you can train your own PetGPT at home. This GitHub repository offers a step by step guide in its README.md file.

LLaMA (Large Language Model Meta AI)

This repository assumes that you have already found a way to download the checkpoints and tokenizer for LLaMA (e.g., by filling out this google form). You should create a subdirectory (named LLaMA) within this repository having a structure similar to the following tree.

├── 13B
│   ├── checklist.chk
│   ├── consolidated.00.pth
│   ├── consolidated.01.pth
│   └── params.json
├── 30B
│   ├── checklist.chk
│   ├── consolidated.00.pth
│   ├── consolidated.01.pth
│   ├── consolidated.02.pth
│   ├── consolidated.03.pth
│   └── params.json
├── 65B
│   ├── checklist.chk
│   ├── consolidated.00.pth
│   ├── consolidated.01.pth
│   ├── consolidated.02.pth
│   ├── consolidated.03.pth
│   ├── consolidated.04.pth
│   ├── consolidated.05.pth
│   ├── consolidated.06.pth
│   ├── consolidated.07.pth
│   └── params.json
├── 7B
│   ├── checklist.chk
│   ├── consolidated.00.pth
│   └── params.json
├── llama.sh
├── tokenizer_checklist.chk
└── tokenizer.model

4 directories, 26 files

Clone the LLaMA repository to make sure that everything works as expected.

git clone https://github.com/facebookresearch/llama.git

The LLaMA repository is already included here for reproducibility purposes in the folder named llama. You can now run the following commands.

cd llama

torchrun --nproc_per_node 1 example.py --ckpt_dir ../LLaMA/7B --tokenizer_path ../LLaMA/tokenizer.model

Converting LLaMA to Hugging Face

Create an empty directory within this repository called LLaMA_HF. The following two scripts will then help you convert the LLaMA checkpoints and tokenizer to the Hugging Face format.


These two scripts are simplied versions of convert_llama_weights_to_hf.py for pedagogical purposes.

This should result in a subdirectory (named LLaMA_HF) within this repository having a structure similar to the following tree.

├── config.json
├── generation_config.json
├── pytorch_model-00001-of-00002.bin
├── pytorch_model-00002-of-00002.bin
├── pytorch_model.bin.index.json
├── special_tokens_map.json
├── tokenizer_config.json
└── tokenizer.model

Exploratory Data Analysis

Clone the Alpaca-LoRA repository.

git clone https://github.com/tloen/alpaca-lora.git

The Alpaca-LoRA repository is already included here for reproducibility purposes in the folder named alpaca-lora. Within this folder, there is a file called alpaca_data_cleaned.json. This file contains a cleaned and curated version of the dataset used to train the original Alpaca. The following script will help you explore this dataset and build some intuition.


Fine Tuning

You can now use the following commands to finetune the LLaMA model on the alpaca_data_cleaned.json dataset.

cd alpaca-lora

mkdir output

WORLD_SIZE=4 CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3 torchrun --nproc_per_node=4 --master_port=1234 finetune.py --base_model ../LLaMA_HF --data_path alpaca_data_cleaned.json --output_dir output

The command given above works for a machine with 4 GPUs. You should adjust it according to your own setup.

Once the finetuning process is finished, it will write the model artifacts in a folder called output.

├── adapter_config.json
├── adapter_model.bin
├── checkpoint-1000
│   ├── optimizer.pt
│   ├── pytorch_model.bin
│   ├── rng_state_0.pth
│   ├── rng_state_1.pth
│   ├── rng_state_2.pth
│   ├── rng_state_3.pth
│   ├── scaler.pt
│   ├── scheduler.pt
│   ├── trainer_state.json
│   └── training_args.bin
├── checkpoint-600
│   ├── optimizer.pt
│   ├── pytorch_model.bin
│   ├── rng_state_0.pth
│   ├── rng_state_1.pth
│   ├── rng_state_2.pth
│   ├── rng_state_3.pth
│   ├── scaler.pt
│   ├── scheduler.pt
│   ├── trainer_state.json
│   └── training_args.bin
└── checkpoint-800
    ├── optimizer.pt
    ├── pytorch_model.bin
    ├── rng_state_0.pth
    ├── rng_state_1.pth
    ├── rng_state_2.pth
    ├── rng_state_3.pth
    ├── scaler.pt
    ├── scheduler.pt
    ├── trainer_state.json
    └── training_args.bin

3 directories, 32 files

Generating Text

Here is how you can interact with the finetuned model.

python generate.py --load_8bit --base_model ../LLaMA_HF --lora_weights output --share_gradio False

The final screen hosted on will look like the following image.