
Terraform kubernetes master server

Primary LanguageHCLGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0

Kubernetes master service for terraform


  • High availability mode with haproxy load balancer (module: tf_kuber_halb)
  • Kube-router networks over wireguard vpn


Input variables

  • count - count of connections
  • connections - public ips where applied
  • private_ips - ips for communication
  • cluster_domain - (default: cluster.local)
  • etcd_endpoints - (default: [])
  • overlay_cidr - (default:
  • service_cidr - (default:
  • api_port - (default: 6443)
  • kubernetes_version - (default: 1.12)
  • kube_router_version - (default: v0.2.0)

Output variables

  • public_ips - public ips of instances/servers
  • private_ips
  • cluster_domain
  • overlay_cidr
  • service_cidr
  • api_port
  • kubernetes_version
  • kube_router_version
  • api_endpoints - api endpoints if multi master mode activated (count > 1)
  • kubeconfig - admin kubeconfig
  • join_command - join command for executo on worker(s) node(s)


terraform init
terraform apply -auto-approve > apply.log
variable "token" {}
variable "hosts" {
  default = 2
variable "overlay_cidr" {
  default = ""

variable "docker_opts" {
  type = "list"
  default = [

provider "hcloud" {
  token = "${var.token}"

module "provider" {
  source = "git::https://github.com/suquant/tf_hcloud.git?ref=v1.1.0"

  count = "${var.hosts}"

  server_type = "cx21"

module "wireguard" {
  source = "git::https://github.com/suquant/tf_wireguard.git?ref=v1.1.0"

  count         = "${var.hosts}"
  connections   = ["${module.provider.public_ips}"]
  private_ips   = ["${module.provider.private_ips}"]
  overlay_cidr  = ""

module "etcd" {
  source = "git::https://github.com/suquant/tf_etcd.git?ref=v1.1.0"

  count       = "1"
  connections = ["${module.provider.public_ips[0]}"]

  hostnames   = ["${module.provider.hostnames[0]}"]
  private_ips = ["${module.wireguard.vpn_ips[0]}"]

module "docker" {
  source = "git::https://github.com/suquant/tf_docker.git?ref=v1.1.0"

  count       = "${var.hosts}"
  connections = ["${module.wireguard.public_ips}"]

  docker_opts = ["${var.docker_opts}"]

module "kuber_master" {
  source = "git::https://github.com/suquant/tf_kuber_master.git?ref=v1.1.0"

  count           = "${var.hosts}"
  connections     = ["${module.docker.public_ips}"]

  private_ips     = ["${module.wireguard.vpn_ips}"]
  etcd_endpoints  = "${module.etcd.client_endpoints}"
  overlay_cidr    = "${var.overlay_cidr}"
  node_labels     = [