
Add FontAwesome to Magento2 store

Primary LanguagePHP

Font Awesome

Font Awesome for Magento2


  1. Installation
  2. Usage
  3. How to replace standard Magento icons


cd <magento_root>

# 1. Get source code
composer require swissup/font-awesome

# 2. Enable module and run upgrades
bin/magento module:enable Swissup_Core Swissup_FontAwesome
bin/magento setup:upgrade


To add icons to the custom content, use the following code:

<i class="fa fa-camera-retro"></i>
  1. See the list of available examples at fontawesome's official site
  2. Search for icon you need at official site

How to replace standard Magento icons

Add the following variables into your theme less file:

@icons__font-name: 'FontAwesome';

@icon-font__size: 14px;
@icon-font__line-height: inherit;

@icon-wishlist-full: '\f004';
@icon-wishlist-empty: '\f08a';
@icon-success: '\f058';
@icon-error: '\f071';
@icon-warning: '\f071';
@icon-update: '\f021';
@icon-star: '\f005';
@icon-star-empty: '\f006';
@icon-settings: '\f013';
@icon-menu: '\f0c9';
@icon-location: '\f041';
@icon-info: '\f129';
@icon-list: '\f00b';
@icon-grid: '\f009';
@icon-comment-reflected: '\f075';
@icon-collapse: '\f147';
@icon-checkmark: '\f00c';
@icon-bag: '\f290';
@icon-cart: '\f291';
@icon-calendar: '\f073';
@icon-arrow-up: '\f176';
@icon-arrow-down: '\f175';
@icon-search: '\f002';
@icon-next: '\f105';
@icon-prev: '\f104';
@icon-pointer-down: '\f0d7';
@icon-pointer-up: '\f0d8';
@icon-pointer-right: '\f0da';
@icon-pointer-left: '\f0d9';
@icon-flag: '\f024';
@icon-expand: '\f196';
@icon-envelope: '\f0e0';
@icon-compare-full: '\f0ec';
@icon-compare-empty: '\f0ec';
@icon-comment: '\f075';
@icon-up: '\f106';
@icon-down: '\f107';
@icon-help: '\f059';
@icon-arrow-up-thin: '\f176';
@icon-arrow-right-thin: '\f178';
@icon-arrow-down-thin: '\f175';
@icon-arrow-left-thin: '\f177';
@icon-account: '\f007';
@icon-gift-registry: '\f274';
@icon-present: '\f06b';
@icon-trash: '\f1f8';
@icon-edit: '\f040';
@icon-remove: '\f00d';
@icon-print: '\f02f';
@icon-download: '\f0ab';
@icon-private: '\f023';