Reign Protocol


Reign Protocol operates as a decentralized credit infrastructure provider, facilitating connections between digital asset (crypto) investors and investment opportunities tied to small and medium-sized business (SMB) economic activities. Our platform demonstrates the practical application of a Credit Fund functioning as a borrower, which in turn aggregates and lends to small businesses.

We strongly believe that embracing decentralized finance can effectively address the financial inclusion challenge by offering the following advantages:

For Borrowers:

  • Access to global digital asset liquidity, providing a sustainable and cost-effective solution for borrowers in emerging markets.
  • Utilization of Blockchain-based on-chain borrowing, ensuring speed, security, and the creation of an immutable credit history that can attract significant capital inflows.

For Investors:

  • Empowerment of any digital asset holder to participate as a lender, supporting real-world economic activities.
  • Provision of stable and sustainable yields ranging from 10% to 25%

We aim to establish a progressively decentralized community (DAO) comprising underwriters, auditors, service providers, asset originators, developers, and investors. Our incentive mechanism is designed to promote positive behavior and address centralized decision-making across the network.

Our plan involves building the protocol as an infrastructure toolkit to fulfill three main purposes:

  1. Simplifying crypto and DeFi complexities for users.
  2. Providing comprehensive on and off-chain reputation and identity management, along with regulatory compliance.
  3. Enabling robust security and privacy features, such as tools for on and off-chain credit scoring, reputation management, whitelisting, compliance checks, decentralized data storage, dashboards, etc., all integrated with encryption and security measures.


The contracts are deployed on Celo Alfajores in the addresses listed below

Contract Name Contract Address
Accounting.sol 0xbE96Edef6aFFA452ff9181d36065aa1D3afE8694
AuthorizeUser.sol 0x045c3c801B6a21866130B70971098019cdB95158
BaseUpgradeablePausable 0x5C821B20139a00098a2CDEB8038EB0F0B0cF0bc1
Borrower 0x5bBa6b8bab259A2122534621ADA01f88370342Bf
CollateralToken 0x46220FE6D868aBC021bC84364a9A8C274E8A7e01
ConfigHelper 0x10213f1a78eb3F717F0DeCf8750424803C51Feb1
ConfigOptions 0xC0f908ed6D3FF1eA67b6Da34Adc84ea6f3887Fb0
Constants 0x86D2e67643064a913AEF9B26958c3C2F276828F1
DSMath 0x82bE44F1135F3D3347AA44245fF15df831AC4225
IdentityToken 0xa6F1f5614AdbC2Cc6148243A1F17E413A069A57D
Investor 0x14CBbC9A3F3E1b1257695Bc5c6817392a8B4aF77
MultiSign 0x0B4bc9d94cb98c2c118160b781a6ccd552c4f511
OpportunityManager 0xaE772f42A332cB719a85d6a4470cab76Bb6436D3
OpportunityPool 0x37318A53e1ECed143937a10CA811F245DC6AF81b
PauserPausable 0x7DF4C6b844c2F55CBe7DE809cb2a1BB3686148A2
ReignCoin 0xa44eF65d18257b6f89DE542Aa917a086D4e8c2C5
ReignConfig 0x43436481117cEdc98f0806F49AdA8D719F1cf6F8
ReignKeeper 0x9e13b240170036d9dE3D2d190B17249afB790F1F
ReignTreasury 0x0B98CbD084acDa3C338e0DD538Bf07711C79598E
SeniorPool 0x951f9cDe5A74AE949B6655Ac751027e747Bc16E8
ReignStaking 0xc7572cE0A215C168fEC2555709fe4D29af1D201d
TestUSDCToken 0xB68F542Ef0b3cff84c110461f9ACf5Ea6AA2e09A


On the protocol, the borrower creates a loan request providing the needed details and the needed collateral document and they submit these details which are captured and stored on-chain. This request is now visible on the dashboard.

Borrower submits borrow request

Borrower Dashboard Borrower Dashboard

Borrow Request Borrower creates a borrow request vlcsnap-2024-04-23-23h48m31s891 Borrower submits a collateral document vlcsnap-2024-04-23-23h49m28s340 Borrower submits loan application

Underwriter reviews the application and makes decision

The request then goes to the underwriter dashboard and they can decide to approve based on the information provided. This will then be available to the investors to invest in.

vlcsnap-2024-04-23-23h51m11s065 Underwriter dashboard showing the new loan request received vlcsnap-2024-04-23-23h51m45s890 Underwriter can approve or reject based on the application and the docs submitted vlcsnap-2024-04-23-23h52m11s319 Past underwriter decisions


So, when a junior pool investor invests in part of that opportunity, it will be partly funded up to the amount provided by the investor. Senior pool investors invest in a blanket pool, a general pool which aggregates the funds and allocate them to the various opportunities.

vlcsnap-2024-04-23-23h52m22s379 Junior Investor investing

vlcsnap-2024-04-23-23h53m26s214 Investor pools vlcsnap-2024-04-23-23h53m37s623 Senior Pool

Withdrawal & Repayment

When an opportunity becomes fully funded, it becomes available for withdrawal by the borrower and the loan payment terms are shown on the dashboard. During repayment, the borrower pays back the loan premium, the loan is updated with the next due amount and the net due date.

vlcsnap-2024-04-23-23h54m43s905 Loan request succesfull, funds available for withdrawal vlcsnap-2024-04-23-23h55m05s493 Making Repayment

vlcsnap-2024-04-23-23h56m54s650 Repayment