
Primary LanguageSolidity

Circular Savings DApp


The Circular Savings DApp is a decentralized application built on the Celo blockchain that allows users to participate in circular savings groups. In these groups, participants contribute a fixed amount of cUSD (Celo Dollar) per turn, and the collected funds are distributed to participants in a round-robin manner. Once all participants have received their turn, the group closes.


  • User Registration: Users can register with their name, email, and phone number.
  • Saving Groups: Users can create and join saving groups with specific details including amount per turn, turn duration, maximum participants, and start date.
  • Contribution: Participants contribute to the group each turn.
  • Distribution: Funds are distributed to participants based on their turn.
  • Group Management: The contract automatically closes the group once all turns are completed.

Smart Contract

The smart contract is written in Solidity and includes the following components:

  1. User Struct: Stores user information.
  2. SavingGroup Struct: Stores details of the saving group including amount, turn duration, maximum participants, and participants.
  3. Functions:
    • registerUser: Allows users to register.
    • createSavingGroup: Lets users create a new saving group.
    • joinSavingGroup: Allows users to join a saving group before it starts.
    • contributeToGroup: Enables users to contribute their share to the group.
    • distributeFunds: Distributes collected funds to the participant based on their turn.
    • closeGroup: Closes the group once all turns are completed.
    • viewGroupDetails: Provides details of a specific saving group.

How to Run

1. Deploy the Smart Contract

Deploy the Solidity smart contract to the Celo blockchain using tools like Remix or Truffle. Update the CircularSavingsAddress constant in main.js with the deployed contract address.

2. Setup the Frontend

  1. Clone the Repository

    git clone <repository-url>
    cd <project-directory>
  2. Install Dependencies Ensure you have the necessary libraries included in index.html:

    • Bootstrap for styling
    • Web3.js and @celo/contractkit for interacting with the blockchain
  3. Update Configuration

    • Replace YOUR_CONTRACT_ADDRESS_HERE with your actual deployed contract address in main.js.
    • Ensure that the ABI of the smart contract is included in the circularSavingsAbi variable.

3. Run the Application

Open index.html in a web browser. Ensure that you have the Celo Extension Wallet installed and connected. The application should automatically detect the wallet and allow you to interact with the DApp.


  1. Register: Register with your details to start using the DApp.
  2. Create a Saving Group: Use the "Create Saving Group" button to create a new saving group with your desired parameters.
  3. Join a Saving Group: Join an existing saving group before it starts.
  4. Contribute: Contribute your share each turn when the group is active.
  5. View Details: View the details of any saving group to monitor progress and participation.


  • cUSD Token: The contract relies on the cUSD token for transactions. Ensure that you have sufficient cUSD in your wallet and that the contract has been approved to spend your cUSD.
  • Error Handling: Error messages will be displayed in the notification area if any issues arise during interactions.
  • Security: Make sure to review the smart contract for security and gas efficiency before deploying it to a production environment.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details. customize this README further based on any additional features or specific instructions related to your project.