
This is a demo app to show how various Mongolian language UI componants cab be used to build Mongolian apps for iOS.

File organization


  • UIMongolTableView.swift
  • UIMongolTextView.swift
  • UIMongolLabel.swift
  • UIMongolAlert.swift
  • UIMongolButton.swift

Text rendering

  • MongolUnicodeRenderer.swift (used for rendering font glyphs--I don't have a smart font currently)
  • ScalarString.swift (supplemental file for renderer)
  • MongolTextStorage.Swift (helper class for text processing)


  • Add ChimeeWhiteMirrored.ttf to project
  • In Info.plist file add "Fonts provided by application" with font name "ChimeeWhiteMirrored.ttf"