


This document includes the usage of our android SDK. at this point, we assume that you are familiar with Android Studio and Eclipse, and have a basic knowledge of programming and similar project experience.

Note: This introduction only covers Android Studio part, so for those who still use Eclipse, sorry!

2.Registering and Downloading

The Bainu Android SDK is not yet completely open for third parties at this moment, but we will receive your request for integrating our SDK into your application if you send following informations to our After having reviewed your app, if everything OK, we will send you the APP_ID,APP_SECRET,SDK and Demo App.

  • Mongolian Name of your App (Traditional Mongolian)
  • English Name of your App
  • iOS Bundle ID
  • Android Package Name
  • Logo(640*640)
  • Home Page
  • iOS AppStore URL
  • Android URL(!apk_address)
  • Introduction (in traditional Mongolian)

For test:

  • APP_ID: bn0428040730
  • APP_SECRET: 2KzJu3ub7mlkklYRxG6BJwTxChApED06O0gItbk0X5LIQ90Ofx
  • package name com.zuga.test

3.Development Environment Setup

1.Import the SDK

1.1 Add gradle dependency in android studio

  • add jitpack maven repository into your project's build.gradle
allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven { url '' }
  • in your App's build.gradle, add dependencies like:
compile 'com.github.zuga-tech:bainu-sdk-android:1.0.3'//check the latest version on github
compile ''//change version according to your project

1.2 Import Jar package intor your Eclipse project

- import bainuSdk(version_code).jar into project
- import into project


Add permissions in your App's AndroidManifest.xml

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"/><!-sdk doesn't use this permission,but you're gonna need this if you want to share local image->

5.Create a class that extends Application

Create a class extends Applicaion(see MyApplication in Demo), and in AndroidManifest.xml's application tag add:


Initialize SDK in your newly created

Add following line in your Applications onCreate() method

BNApiFactory.init(Context context,String appId);
  • appId:App_ID that was provided to you


public class MyApplication extends Application {
    public void onCreate() {
  • Now, run your App, if following lines appear in logcat window, it means SDK initialized without problem, we are good to go.
                                BainuSdkErr---->bainu sdk set success


Before start shareing content, get the BNApi instance in your Activity's onCreate() method:

api = BNApiFactory.getBNApi();

We only support following scene for sharing contents:

request.scene = BNSendRequest.SCENE_QOMRLG;// Bainu circle(moment|chomorlig etc.)
request.scene = BNSendRequest.SCENE_YARLQAA;//Bainu chat(p2p chat or group chat)
request.scene = BNSendRequest.SCENE_ABDR;//Bainu favourites(abdar in Mongolian)

1. Sharing text

       /*sharing text content*/
    public void TextShare(View view) {
      //bainu supports only Menksoft code for Traditional Mongolian, for other languages, Unicode

        //1.Instanciate text object
        BNTextObject textObject = new BNTextObject();
        textObject.setText("mongolian text should be Menksoft Code!");

        //2.Create media message
        BNMediaMessage bnMediaMessage = new BNMediaMessage(textObject);
//        bnMediaMessage.setTitle("Text");

        //3.Create request
        BNSendRequest bnSendRequest = new BNSendRequest();
        bnSendRequest.message = bnMediaMessage;
        bnSendRequest.scene = BNSendRequest.SCENE_QOMRLG;

        bnSendRequest.setRespListener(new BNSendRequest.RespListener() {
             * This listener may not be called when share success, but is bound to be called on every error.
             * @param errorType 0 means success, others for errors
             * @param message  contains error message only when errorType!=0
            public void resp(int errorType, String message) {
                if (errorType != 0) {
                    Log.e(TAG, "errorMessage: " + message);

        if (api.isBainuInstalledOrLatestVersion()) {//Check if bainu installed on device or version mathes SDK requirement
          //istalled && version mathces requirement
        } else {
          //bainu download url, load this url for user if you like
            Log.e(TAG, "bainuDownUri: " + api.getBainuDownUri());


2. Sharing Image

    /*Shareing image*/
    public void imageShare(View view) {

        * We support 2 types of image: 1.Local image 2.Image from internet
        * For local images, Uri must begin with "file://
        * For internet images, "http://" or "https://"
        * */

        //1.Create image object
        BNImageObject imageObject = new BNImageObject();
        //1)Set Uri for local image
//        imageObject.setLocalImageUri(Uri.parse("file:///storage/emulated/0/DCIM/Camera/fff.jpg"));
        //2)Set Uri for internet image

        //2.Set other params
        BNMediaMessage message = new BNMediaMessage(imageObject);
        message.setDescription("Tomcat picture");//optional
        message.setTitle("picture");//optional for local image, necessary for internet image

        //3.Set request
        BNSendRequest request = new BNSendRequest();
        request.message = message;
        request.scene = BNSendRequest.SCENE_QOMRLG;
        request.setRespListener(new BNSendRequest.RespListener() {
            public void resp(int errorType, String message) {
                if (errorType != 0) {
                    Log.e(TAG, "errorMessage: " + message);


3. Sharing web url

    /*Sharing web url*/
    public void webPageShare(View view) {

        * url must start with "http://" or "https://"
        * url thumb image must be internet image or bitmap data (byte[])
        * Uri of internet thumb image must start with "http://" or "https://"
        * */

        //1.Create web object
        BNWebPageObject webObject = new BNWebPageObject();

        //2.Set other data
        BNMediaMessage message = new BNMediaMessage(webObject);
        message.setTitle("webPage title");//must set
        message.setDescription("webPage description");//optional
        //set thumb image
        message.setThumbNetPicUri(Uri.parse("" +

        //3.create request
        BNSendRequest request = new BNSendRequest();
        request.message = message;
        request.scene = BNSendRequest.SCENE_QOMRLG;
        request.setRespListener(new BNSendRequest.RespListener() {
            public void resp(int errorType, String message) {
                if (errorType != 0) {
                    Log.e(TAG, "errorMessage: " + message);


6. Login with Bainu account

  • Third party login with Bainu account is based on OAuth2.0 authorization.

  • In this section, we assume you have already got your AppID and AppScret.

  • Note: Bainu must be installed on device, otherwise user will not be able to log in, for we only provide native way of authorization


Bainu OAuth2.0 authorization ensures the user to login to third party app with his/her bainu account securely. After user having logged in via this authorization, third party app will get the user's access_token for this login session to get the user's basic informations from our open APIs.

Bainu OAuth2.0 supports only authorization_code method, and is recommended for apps that have server back-end. The main procedure is:

  • Third apps request for Bainu authorization, Bainu user will decide if he/she want to login, if yes, Bainu will call the third app and feed the code that was given from Bainu server back to third party app for temperarily authorization.

  • With this code and AppID and AppSecret, third party app may get the access_token of this session, we will send this access_token to third party server end.

  • Third party app may call our open APIs with this access_token to get the user's bacis informations.

2. Getting the code

    /*bainu login*/
    public void login(View view) {
        BNSendRequest request = new BNSendRequest();
        request.isLogin = true;
        request.setRespListener(new BNSendRequest.RespListener() {
             * This listener will be called no matter the login is succeed or failed.
             * @param errorType 0 for success, others for error
             * @param message error message when erryrType!=0
            public void resp(int errorType, String message) {
                if (errorType == 0) {
                    Log.e(TAG, "code:" + message);
                } else {
                    Log.e(TAG, "errorMessage: " + message);


7.About Versions and updates

V1.0.0 :

  • Text, image, web url shareing is implemented
  • Third party login is implemented

V1.0.1 :

  • Fixed the android M permission problems
  • Added third party app's name to be displayed in Bainu when login


  • some bugs fixed


  • modified initializing apis
  • SDK repository changed

Please raise issue for any question, or contact: with subject starts with "BainuSDK"