
Unsplash is a website dedicated to proprietary stock photography. Since 2021, it has been owned by Getty Images. The website claims over 265,000 contributing photographers and generates more than 16 billion photo impressions per month on their growing library of over 3.48 million photos. Unsplash has been cited as one of the world's leading photography websites by Forbes, Entrepreneur Magazine, CNET, Medium and The Next Web.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This project is basically a cloned version of unsplash.com, which will give you a various kind of image as per your search request. Deployed link of Netlify : https://unspalsh-clone.netlify.app/

Tech Stack:



JavaScript: DOM Manupulation




  • Provided with a search bar with search functionality.
  • Basic sorting functionaliies added like sort by lates, sort by oldest, sort by popularity, sort by views and downloads.
  • Filter functionality also added to filter to result by landscape, portrait or squarish.


Screenshot-240-1.png Screenshot-241-1.png


  • If You like it please feel free to give it a
  • If you have any feedback, please reach out to me at surajdongre8@gmail.com