31st March Upskill Mafia Hackathon

Live Site

Visit the live site: MentorHub

Sample Login Credentials 📌



Card Details

  • Card Number: 4000003560000008
  • Expiry: 12/34
  • CVV: 112

mentorHub README

Project Description

mentorHub is a platform designed to facilitate interaction between mentees and mentors. It provides a seamless environment for mentors to offer guidance, support, and educational resources to mentees. The platform incorporates features such as video calls, text chat, payment integration, task management, and profile editing.


For Mentors:

  • Authentication: Login and signup functionality.
  • Availability Management: CRUD operations on timeslots for availability.
  • Course Creation: Creation of paid courses with specified fees.
  • Communication Tools: Video call rooms and text chat for interaction with mentees.
  • Task Assignment: Create, edit, and assign tasks to mentees.
  • Task Verification: Review and verify tasks submitted by mentees.
  • Profile Editing: Update profile information.

For Mentees:

  • Authentication: Signup and login functionality.
  • Communication Tools: Text chat with mentors and participation in video room meetings.
  • Task Submission: Submit tasks assigned by mentors.
  • Profile Editing: Update profile information.

Additional Features:

  • Payment Integration: Seamless integration of Stripe payment gateway for mentors to receive payment for courses and services.
  • Video Meetings: Integration with ZegoCloud for interactive video calls and meetings.
  • Task Management: Comprehensive task management system allowing mentors to create, assign, and verify tasks, while mentees can submit tasks assigned to them.

Getting Started

Frontend (React):

  1. Clone the repository.
  2. Navigate to the project directory.
  3. Install dependencies using npm install.
  4. Start the frontend development server using npm start.

Backend (Node.js):

  1. Navigate to the backend directory within the project.
  2. Install backend dependencies using npm install.
  3. Start the backend server using nodemon.

Technologies Used

  • MERN Stack: MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, Node.js for full-stack development.
  • Socket.io: Real-time communication between mentors and mentees.
  • Stripe: Payment gateway integration for seamless and secure payments.
  • ZegoCloud: Video meeting platform for interactive video calls and meetings.
  • Nodemon: Automatic server restarts during backend development.


Contributions to mentorHub are welcome!


For any inquiries or support, please contact us at codehawks@example.com.