- this module contain all the logic for geojson parsing and loading it into db
pytest this module contain all the test logic for testing all end points.
- this module deals with the celery process for inserting data into database.
utils all the utilities functions
- distance.py module contain self implemented distance formula.
- static.py module contain all the static sql statement.
crud.py module deal with all database read and create operations
db.py this module deals with database connection
model.py contains all the orm models
schema.py contains all the schema for data validation
main.py contains main function
id int| property jsonb | coordinate geometry
/get_location/ args: float, float Return: list of locations
/post_location/ args:pin,city,address,lat,longitude
/get_using_postgres/ args:float, float Return: List of location
/get_using_self/ args: float, float Return: list of location
/detect/ args: float, float return: place_name and area in which the place falls.