16 may 2020
python 3
<<<<<<< HEAD US Bike Sharing Project
Describe what your project is about and what it does In this project, I made a use of Python to explore data related to bike share systems for three major cities in the United States, Which is Chicago, New York City, and Washington, Also to Run statistics on multiple data pools related to bicycle sharing.
Following files are containing necessary code: bikeshare.py Following files are not uploded to the remote repo (by using .gitignore) because the file size is too big: chicago.csv washington.csv new_york_city.csv
The original repo this one is forked from can be found here: https://github.com/udacity/pdsnd_github.git
US Bikesharing
we have used the data of bikesharing data in united states across three cities and analyze the data.
3 Files used
chicago.csv new_york_city.csv washington.csv