Repositoy for HackBash Hackathon Idea:
We developed a cross-platform mobile application that is super handy for a college student. The basic idea is that a student faces a lot of challenges in accomplishing various tasks of a college and being updated with everything that's happening is a Herculean task. The students, through this app can get access to almost everything they need in a college be it any important notifications regarding any event, results, timetable, or keeping a track of their assignments, or even getting any sort of academic resources they would ever want. The app brings forth the opportunity to solve major issues wherein a student has to switch between various apps, call colleagues. Solving the minutest of issues of getting the menu of the canteen to solving the major issues of keeping track of everything going on in college; the application does everything in just a tap. The students can even sell old goods to others who need them. Well, tons of issues; and the solution is just a tap.
Followings will be our app's key features:
- College Bulletin Board
- Clubs Events (Posters + Information)
- Class/Lab Time Table
- Canteen Menu
- Class Assignment Reminder
- Attendance Manager
- Academics Resources (PDF Books, Online lectures link, etc)
- Buying/Selling of stuffs (Calculators, drafters, bicycles, etc)
- Canteen Menu
- Direct registration links for various events
- Results
Tech Stacks:
FrontEnd: Flutter
Backend: Google Firebase
Database: Firestore
Suraj Sisodia Prakash Kumar Ritesh Shukla Raj Baindra
Video Link: