Onwards and upwards, one todo at a time!
Empower individuals to achieve their goals and dreams by providing a seamless and intuitive platform to manage their daily tasks and align them with their long-term aspirations. We believe that every small step contributes to a larger journey, and with Ascend, you can track your progress, stay motivated, and continuously move forward.
The frontend of Ascend is designed to provide a user-friendly interface where you can effortlessly manage your todos and goals. Follow these steps to set up and start the frontend:
Navigate to the Frontend Directory:
cd frontend
Install Dependencies: Use
to install the necessary packages:npx install
Start the Frontend Server: Launch the development server to start using the application:
npm start
Here's a snapshot of the frontend with dummy values for demonstration purposes:
The backend of Ascend is the engine that powers the application, handling data storage, user authentication, and business logic. Follow these steps to set up and start the backend:
Install MongoDB: Ensure you have MongoDB installed and running. You can install it using Homebrew:
brew tap mongodb/brew brew install mongodb-community@4.4
Start MongoDB Service: Start the MongoDB service to enable database operations:
brew services start mongodb/brew/mongodb-community@4.4
Navigate to the Backend Directory:
cd backend
Install Dependencies: Use
to install the necessary packages:npm install
Start the Backend Server: Launch the backend server to handle API requests and data processing:
node server.js
By following these instructions, you'll have both the frontend and backend of Ascend up and running, ready to help you manage your tasks and achieve your goals.
Please check here
For any further details or contributions, please reach out to me on tripathy.suraj0704@gmail.com