
A Starter Kit for Obsidian with all essential elements to build up your own Zettelkasten system.

MIT LicenseMIT


A Starter Kit for Obsidian with all essential elements to build up your own Zettelkasten system.


Obsidian is a note-taking and knowledge management app on top of a local folder of plain text Markdown files. It lets you turn a collection of plain text files into a rich network of linked thought.

More about: https://obsidian.md


A Zettelkasten is a personal tool for thinking and writing. It has hypertextual features to make a web of thought possible. The difference to other systems is that you create a web of thoughts instead of notes of arbitrary size and form, and emphasize connection, not a collection.

More about: https://www.soenkeahrens.de/en/takesmartnotes


  • Download the zip and unzip
  • Select the unzipped folder as a vault in Obsidian
  • Enjoy


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Please leave feedback here in the GitHub discussions or file a new issue if you found a bug or have a feature request.