OpenNeuro datasets:
Number of datasets: 790 with 34479 subjects including:
- 649 datasets with MRI data
- with participants.tsv: 450 (450 with more than 'participant_id' column)
- with phenotype directory: 22
- with fmriprep: 17 (1877 subjects)
- with participants.tsv: 16
- with phenotype directory: 1
- with freesurfer: 28 (1834 subjects)
- with participants.tsv: 26
- with phenotype directory: 1
- with mriqc: 65 (5664 subjects)
- with participants.tsv: 57
- with phenotype directory: 9
OpenNeuro derivatives datasets:
Number of datasets: 258 with 10582 subjects including:
- 258 datasets with MRI data
- with participants.tsv: 189 (189 with more than 'participant_id' column)
- with phenotype directory: 11
- with fmriprep: 59 (1789 subjects)
- with participants.tsv: 45
- with phenotype directory: 1
- with freesurfer: 59 (1789 subjects)
- with participants.tsv: 45
- with phenotype directory: 1
- with mriqc: 258 (10582 subjects)
- with participants.tsv: 189
- with phenotype directory: 11
datalad superdataset must be installed via
datalad install ///
openneuro derivatives can be installed via (this will take a while):
datalad install openneuro-derivatives --recursive -J 12
openneuro can be installed via (this will take a while):
datalad install openneuro --recursive -J 12
and it will
will create TSV file with basic info for each dataset and its derivatives.
- make it able to install datasets or subdatasets (especially
) on the fly