SysAdmin Cheatsheet -- Editing in progress

Just a collection of commands for SysAdmins.

Remote Login

ssh - Open SSH client scp sftp ssh-add ssh-agent ssh-keygen ssh-keyscan tun ssh_config ssh-keysign sshd

User Management

useradd or adduser - Create a new user or update default new user information chfn - Change finger inforomation chsh - Change Login shell passwd - Change or set passwd crypt -
groupadd - Create a new Group groupdel - Delete the Group groupmod login.defs newusers subgid subuid userdel usermod

File /dir Management

ls file touch mkdir mv cp rm paste

FileSystem Management

df du mount

Process Management

ps vmstat lsof

Logical Volume Manager

pvcreate vgcreate lvcreate

Network Management

ip nmcli nmtui brctl

Power Management

poweroff - Halt the machine reboot - Reboot the machine shutdown - Shutdown the machine