
react-important-notes, useMemo, useCallback

Difference between useMemo and useCallback in react

useMemo and useCallback use memoization.

Both useMemo and useCallback remember something between renders until the dependencies change.

The difference is just what they remember.

useMemo will remember the returned value from the function

useCallback will remember the actual function

Change detection in Angular and React

React and Angular change detections are different. But they are common in one important thing. Making a difference of previous and current state from memory (not from DOM) and rendering only what has been changed.

In Angular
  • change detection is triggerd by zone.js at the end of the each callstack
  • Change detection starts from the root component and it goes down through the components tree
  • Traversing components tree, it checks which values in component templates need to be updated and updates the DOM.
In React
  • Change detection is not triggered after callbacks of async actions. It’s triggered by calling method setState on component.
  • Change detection starts not from the root component, but from component in which setState was called.
  • in React we have class React.PureComponent. We can use this class to avoid unnecessary change detection.