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PHP source to image Helloworld Example

This is an example php application, which can be deployed to APPUiO using the following commands

How to deploy


CLI / oc Client

Create New OpenShift Project

$ oc new-project example-php-sti-helloworld

Create Application and expose Service

$ oc new-app https://github.com/appuio/example-php-sti-helloworld.git --name=appuio-php-sti-example

$ oc expose service appuio-php-sti-example

Add Webhook to trigger rebuilds

Take the Webhook GitHub URL from

$ oc describe bc appuio-php-sti-example

oc describe bc appuio-php-sti-example
Name:			appuio-php-sti-example
Created:		20 seconds ago
Labels:			app=appuio-php-sti-example
Annotations:		openshift.io/generated-by=OpenShiftNewApp
Latest Version:		1
Strategy:		Source
Source Type:		Git
URL:			https://github.com/appuio/example-php-sti-helloworld.git
From Image:		ImageStreamTag openshift/php:latest
Output to:		ImageStreamTag appuio-php-sti-example:latest
Triggered by:		Config, ImageChange
Webhook GitHub:		https://[Server]/oapi/v1/namespaces/example-php-sti-helloworld/buildconfigs/appuio-php-sti-example/webhooks/[GitHubsecret]/github
Webhook Generic:	https://[Server]/oapi/v1/namespaces/example-php-sti-helloworld/buildconfigs/appuio-php-sti-example/webhooks/[genericsecret]/generic

and add the URL as a Webhook in your github Repository, read https://developer.github.com/webhooks/ for more details about github Webhooks