
A scientific library for Kotlin.

Primary LanguageKotlinOtherNOASSERTION

GitHub issues License Bintray Travis


Golem is a scientific environment for Kotlin that emphasizes language/platform interop, performance, and flexibility.

Project Goals

The project aims to:

  • Create a scientific programming environment for Kotlin that is familiar to people used to NumPy or MATLAB
  • Support writing numerical code once in Kotlin, and then deploy that code on JVM, JS, and native platforms
  • Support polyglot usage from Kotlin, Java, other JVM languages, as well as foreign interop with legacy Python or MATLAB code
  • Use pluggable back-ends to offload the actual computation to pre-existing libraries, depending on the target platform
  • Use code already written by other projects where possible to avoid duplication


Golem has two components: A set of flat functions which mimic the behavior of NumPy/MATLAB, and an underlying object oriented hierarchy which dispatch those function calls. The flat functions are in the top-level files here and the underlying matrix implementations use the interfaces defined here. It is easiest to get up to speed on Golem by reading through the available top-level functions.

We currently have:

  • Integrated plotting (via xchart)

  • Pluggable matrix back-end for pure-Java and high-performance modes on the JVM (via MTJ, JBlas, and EJML)

  • Many linear algebra operations supported.

  • Ongoing work for js and native backends (core builds on all three, just need working backends on those platforms)

Using the Library From a Gradle Project

Golem is hosted in jcenter. First add jcenter to your repos:

repositories {

Then add a dependency on golem-core as well as whatever backend you want to use for doing the computation. For example, if you want to use golem with the MTJ backend, you'd write:

    compile group: "golem", name:"golem-backend-mtj", version: "0.9"
    compile group: "golem", name:"golem-core", version:"0.9"

Right now golem-backend-ejml, golem-backend-mtj, and golem-backend-jblas are supported. Golem will automatically use the backend you add to the project. If you'd like to use more than one backend in a project at the same time, see multiple backends below.

Example Usage

The following is an example of plotting some random noise. The golem.* namespace brings in all the top-level functions (the only other import you may need is golem.matrix.Matrix if you need to type a function you write).

import golem.*

fun main(args: Array<String>)

    // Create some normal random noise
    var a = randn(100,2)
    var b = cumsum(a)

    // Second parameter is color
    plot(a, 'b', "First Run")
    plot(a+1, 'y', "First Run Offset")
    xlabel("Time (s)")
    title("White Noise")

    plot(b, 'g') // green
    xlabel("Velocity (lightweeks/minute)")
    title("Random Walk")



Math Functions

Matrices have useful map functions that return matrices for chaining operations (see here for a complete list).

    // Create a 3x3 identity and then add 0.1 to all elements
    val x = eye(3) + 0.1

    // Map each element through a function that adds .01
    val y = x.mapMat { it + .01 }
    // Map each element through a function that adds or subtracts depending on the element index
    val z = x.mapMatIndexed { row, col, ele -> if (row > col) ele + 1 else ele - 1 }

    // Are there any elements greater than 1?
    val hasGreater = x.any { it > 1 }

    // Are all elements greater than 1?
    val allGreater = x.all { it > 1 }

    // Apply a function to a row at a time and store the outputs in a contiguous matrix
    val sins = x.mapRows { row -> sin(row) }
    // Print all elements greater than 1
    x.each { if (it>1) println(it) }

We can also do some linear algebra:

    // Matrix literal syntax, see creators.kt for 
    // convenience functions like zeros(5,5)
    var A = mat[1,0,0 end
                0,3,0 end

    // Calculate the matrix inverse
    var Ainv = A.inv()

    var b = mat[2,2,4].T

    // Use overloaded operators:
    // * is matrix multiplication 
    var c = A*b + 1
    // emul is element-wise multiplication
    var d = (A emul A) + 1

    // Number of decimals to show


Which produces:


mat[ 3.00  end
     7.00  end
     17.00 ]

Many special functions are supported (see the matrix interface for a complete list):

    val a = 2*eye(3)+.01 // eye is identity matrix
    a.chol()  // Cholesky decomposition
    a.det()   // Determinant
    a.diag()  // Diagonal vector
    a.inv()   // Matrix inverse
    a.norm()  // Matrix norm

Scalar functions can be applied elementwise to matrices (see here for a complete list):

    val x = create(0..100)/5.0  // Matrix of 0, 1/5, 2/5, ...
    val y = sin(x)              // Sin applied elementwise
    plot(y)                     // Plot of sin function

Matrix indexing and slicing is supported (see here for a list of operators as well as the Matrix type):

    val x = randn(5,5)
    val y = x[0,0..4] // Grab the first row
    x[0..2,0..3] = zeros(3,4) // Set the upper-left 3x4 sub-matrix of x to zero

Matrix also implements Iterable, so it inherits all the functions of that type:

    val x = randn(5,5)
    // Adds all elements and returns sum
    x.reduce { x, y -> x+y }
    // Returns list of all elements greater than 4
    x.find { it > 4 }

Multiple Backends

Golem supports using multiple backends simultaneously. This is useful if e.g. you need to work with multiple libraries which require different matrix containers (the unfortunate reality on the JVM at the moment).

You can change the backend being used by golem's top-level functions at any time by setting a property in the golem namespace. In Kotlin this looks like:

import golem.matrix.ejml.EJMLMatrixFactory

// Make subsequent function calls use the EJML backend
golem.factory = EJMLMatrixFactory()

val a = zeros(3,3) // An EJMLMatrix

// Make subsequent function calls use the MTJ backend
// (doesnt affect previous returns)
golem.factory = MTJMatrixFactory()

val b = zeros(3,3) // Now returns an MTJMatrix

This property can be set from Java and other languages via golem.Options.setFactory(...). If not set, golem will default to using MTJ, EJML, and then JBlas in that order.

It is also possible to create any matrix type manually by using the corresponding factory. For example, even if golem.factory is set to MTJMatrixFactory, you could write

val eFac = EJMLMatrixFactory()
val a = eFac.eye(3, 3)
val b = eFac.ones(3, 3)
println(a+b) // Uses EJML's addition algorithm, not MTJ's

This makes it easy to use libraries requiring different matrix containers simultaneously.


Golem includes support for matrix dimension / attribute validation. For example, suppose you have a function that takes in two matrices A and B. If we know that A is a row vector (i.e. Nx1), B is a matrix with 2 rows and the same number of columns as A has rows (i.e. 2xN), we could write

import golem.matrix.Matrix
import golem.util.validation.validate

fun foo(A: Matrix<Double>, B: Matrix<Double>) {
    validate {
        A("A") { 'N'  x  1  }
        B("B") {  2   x 'N' }
    // Do stuff with A and B...

The validate block will see that you used the same variable 'N' twice, and make sure the matrices passed in have those dimensions matching. The DSL supports an arbitrary number of inputs of arbitrary dimension and also validates attributes like symmetricity. See the validate README for more information.


Planned functionality:

  • Implement Matrix for other primitive types, such as Int (primary difficulty is lack of support in backends)
  • Add a pluggable N-D container that uses backends such as libDyND and ND4j
  • Support arbitrary data storage for non-numerical data (e.g. string) in ND container

Related Projects

Golem has backends that wrap several other numerical projects on the JVM:

For a data analysis library similar to pandas, check out https://github.com/holgerbrandl/kplyr