
Try to get familiar with vite

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Use Koa to start a dev-server
Custom middleware for handling parsing and compilation

Initially use js, then maybe use ts to refactor and improve it

Simple Demo

  1. install dependencies

yarn or npm install

  1. link the sure-vite to be a global command (just link this package to the your computer global node_modules directory). Must be in sure-vite project package directory (this root directory)

npm link or the alias: npm ln

if you want to remove the sure-vite command
use it: npm unlink sure-vite

  1. install the template project dependencies

cd template/vite-vue-pro and yarn

  1. run the demo

yarn start ➡️ Actually running sure-vite (you can see it in the package.json file)

  1. open the server link in your browser


Then, you can see the simple vue3 project running with my command: sure-vite, but not vite.