FlashSale API

FlashSale API, including 3 APIs:

  • GET /wallet/{id} to retrieve wallet information
  • POST /products/{id}/purchase to purchase products under flash sale on the website
  • GET /sales/current?country=SG to view current flash sale.

Run the Application

Once you have checkout your project in your IDE, simply run "sbt start" to run the application

If UI is not poping up, call GET http://localhost:9000/seed to provide seed data to the application

Test the application

simply run "sbt test" to run all unit tests and integration tests

to run the tests of a single file: simple right click the class name and click "Run ...."

IntegrationSpec contains all the tests for integration tests


In memory H2 db is chosen, seed data is populated during system start If you run the system through sbt start, please add seed data by calling: GET http://localhost:9000/seed


The application uses the following convention for versioning: major.minor.hotfix.

The following details which the version bump is appliable

  • major: any non-compatible changes are added
  • minor: any backward-compatible changes are added
  • hotfix: all bug and hot fixes

Scala formatting commands

sbt scalafmt

Other Information

Due to time constraints, stress testing has not been performed

There are ways to improve the application

We should have a refreshable cache in place serving as the in-memory data store, which from time to time retrieves data from database and cache the result

Update operations are done to the refreshable cache as well in a synchronized way for 1 user wallet to save DB trips

Filter class under filters package is kept to enhance the security feature

ExchangeRate service should rely on third party API

Front-End codes are in "views" package, which right now is only a simple message


  • Better DB layer abstraction
  • Refreshing cache to store flashsale data
  • Stress testing
  • User session control