Greg Surges is a programmer and computer musician. He is currently a Lecturer in the Music Department at the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee.
Pinned Repositories
Algorithmic Compositions
EPI Judge - Preview Release
Exercises from nand2tetris book
Networked Resources for Collaborative Improvisation
Source for a PD / Max power-preserving allpass filter cascade object, using Flext.
pucktronix granular effect vst plugin
pucktronix reverb effect vst plugin
PyOracle is a project using Python to analyze aspects of musical structure. Audio Oracle, an algorithm based on the Factor Oracle string matching algorithm, is used to detect introductions and repetitions of musical materials. Through this analysis, aspects of musical structure can be understood, and new versions of the analyzed work can be created.
The tabulaRasa is a digital wavetable oscillator with voltage control of frequency, waveform selection, and the amount of interpolation between waveforms. The tabulaRasa consists of two components: a hardware synthesis module which can integrate into a modular synth system, and a software application which allows the user to create their own custom waveforms. These waveforms are then transferred from the computer to the tabulaRasa module through a standard SD card slot.
The USB-Octomod is a USB device which allows generation of computer-controlled analog synthesizer control voltages in the range of approximately +/- 5V. Using a small open-source and cross-platform host application, the user is able to control the 8 output channels of the Octomod through a simple OSC/MIDI interface. The OSC interface allows composers, musicians, etc. to control the Octomod from their software environment of choice.
surgesg's Repositories
The tabulaRasa is a digital wavetable oscillator with voltage control of frequency, waveform selection, and the amount of interpolation between waveforms. The tabulaRasa consists of two components: a hardware synthesis module which can integrate into a modular synth system, and a software application which allows the user to create their own custom waveforms. These waveforms are then transferred from the computer to the tabulaRasa module through a standard SD card slot.
PyOracle is a project using Python to analyze aspects of musical structure. Audio Oracle, an algorithm based on the Factor Oracle string matching algorithm, is used to detect introductions and repetitions of musical materials. Through this analysis, aspects of musical structure can be understood, and new versions of the analyzed work can be created.
The USB-Octomod is a USB device which allows generation of computer-controlled analog synthesizer control voltages in the range of approximately +/- 5V. Using a small open-source and cross-platform host application, the user is able to control the 8 output channels of the Octomod through a simple OSC/MIDI interface. The OSC interface allows composers, musicians, etc. to control the Octomod from their software environment of choice.
Networked Resources for Collaborative Improvisation
pucktronix granular effect vst plugin
pucktronix reverb effect vst plugin
Algorithmic Compositions
EPI Judge - Preview Release
Exercises from nand2tetris book
Source for a PD / Max power-preserving allpass filter cascade object, using Flext.
pucktronix delay plugin
some pd and max plugins coded using flext - factor oracle and audio oracle objects
pucktronix phaser vst plugin
Source code for the pucktronix.snake.corral dual 8 x 8 modular switching matrix hardware.