
A Next.js starter kit for creating an NFT portfolio using @nftport's API ⚡

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

NFTPort NFT Portfolio Starter Kit

This is a starter kit project for creating an NFT portfolio using NFTPort, Next.js's create-next-app, and Tailwind; additionally, it is deployable on Vercel.

Getting Started

  1. Sign-up and create an NFTPort account
  2. After signing-up, copy and save your accounts API Key for later use
  3. Clone this repository
  4. Rename .env.sample to .env
  5. Update your environment variables file (.env) using your NFTPort API Key and other information about your NFT project
  6. Run npm run dev
  7. View your landing page on localhost:3000

Alternatively, you can deploy this starter kit using Vercel's Deploy Now button:

Deploy with Vercel

Note, deploying to Vercel does not require any knowledge of Javascript, Next.js or software development.

To successfully deploy to Vercel, you will need the following environment variables:

Variable Description Example
NEXT_PUBLIC_NFTPORT_API_KEY Your NFTPort API Key 4806f51a-f91f-456d-8cb6-b471b909c2b6
NEXT_PUBLIC_NFTPORT_NFTS_ADDRESS A public address to retrieve contract NFTs 0x6C9343CA5c2Ef3a35a83438344Bb3cbE3c249f65
NEXT_PUBLIC_NFTPORT_CHAIN The blockchain we will retreive NFTs from ethereum, but others include: goerli, polygon, rinkeby, and solana
NEXT_PUBLIC_NFTPORT_INCLUDE The type of data to return from NFTPort's API all, but others include: default, metadata, and Not Set

Environment Variables


This starter kit connects to Solana and displays NFT's created by a specific account using NFTPort's Retrieve Solana NFTs created by an account endpoint.

In doing so, ensure that your NEXT_PUBLIC_NFTPORT_INCLUDE environment variable uses metadata. Using all or default, or any other value, will return eitehr a 422 error due to an invalid enumeration or insufficient data.

Updating Content


To update the logo, replace the logo.png file found within the repositories /public directory.

Project Information

To update information such as as the landing page's project title (ex. Bored Ape Yacht Club), update the retreive.js file within the components/nfts directory.


This repository is just a starter kit, but I will be expanding it to include:

  • Add Wagmi and the ability to connect Web3 wallets
  • Enable connected wallets to create portfolio pages
  • Who really knows (wink, wink)


Feel free to fork, submit pull requests and contribute.


If you have any questions, feel free to email me at: sergio.m.villasenor@gmail.com.