
Creating infrastructure for deploying website on AWS cloud using Terraform (Infrastructure as code)

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Deploy website on AWS cloud using Terraform

Creating infrastructure for deploying website on AWS cloud using Terraform (Infrastructure as code)


  • Must have AWS cli configured
  • Must have AWS IAM user created
  • Must have terraform configured
  • Must have git installed

Infrastructure includes:-

  • Key pair
  • Security group
  • EC2 instance
  • EBS Volume
  • S3 bucket
  • Cloudfront distribution

Let's start creating the infrastructure

  1. Create a user profile to access AWS by terraform
  • Run the following command on AWS cli to create user profile

    aws configure --profile myprofile (myprofile is a profile name)

    After running this command we need to provide AWS Access Key ID and AWS Secret Access Key and these keys are in credentials.csv file. We get this file when we create IAM user. Also provide Default region name and leave Default output format

  1. Create one file with .tf extension and write complete code in this file
  • Code for provider and user configuration

      provider "aws" {
          region = "ap-south-1"
          profile = "myprofile"
  • Code for generating key pair and also save it in local system

      resource "tls_private_key" "keyGenerate" {
          algorithm = "RSA"
      resource "aws_key_pair" "newKey" {
          depends_on = [
          key_name   = "mykey2"
          public_key = tls_private_key.keyGenerate.public_key_openssh
      resource "local_file" "keySave" {
          depends_on = [
          content = tls_private_key.keyGenerate.private_key_pem
          filename = "mykey2.pem"
  • Code for creating a security group and allow port no. 80 and 22

      resource "aws_security_group" "webServerFirewall" {
          name        = "webFirewall"
          description = "SSH and HTTP access"
          vpc_id      = "vpc-91617df9"
          ingress {
              from_port   = 80
              to_port     = 80
              protocol    = "tcp"
              cidr_blocks = [""]
          ingress {
              from_port   = 22
              to_port     = 22
              protocol    = "tcp"
              cidr_blocks = [""]
          egress {
              from_port   = 0
              to_port     = 0
              protocol    = "-1"
              cidr_blocks = [""]
          tags = {
              Name = "webFirewall"
  • Code for launching EC2 instance and configure apache webserver

      resource "aws_instance" "web" {
          depends_on = [
          ami           = "ami-052c08d70def0ac62"
          instance_type = "t2.micro"
          key_name =  aws_key_pair.newKey.key_name
          security_groups = [ "${aws_security_group.webServerFirewall.name}" ]
          connection {
              type     = "ssh"
              user     = "ec2-user"
              private_key = tls_private_key.keyGenerate.private_key_pem
              host     = aws_instance.web.public_ip
          provisioner "remote-exec" {
              inline = [
                  "sudo yum install httpd -y",
                  "sudo systemctl start httpd",
                  "sudo systemctl enable httpd",
                  "sudo yum install git -y",
                  "sudo setenforce 0"
          tags = {
              Name = "web-os"
  • Code for creating EBS volume of size 1GB

      resource "aws_ebs_volume" "ebsWebVol" {
          depends_on = [
          availability_zone = aws_instance.web.availability_zone
          size              = 1
          tags = {
              Name = "web-vol1"
  • Code for attaching EBS volume with the instance

      resource "aws_volume_attachment" "ebsAttach" {
          depends_on = [
          device_name = "/dev/sdh"
          volume_id   = aws_ebs_volume.ebsWebVol.id
          instance_id = aws_instance.web.id
          force_detach = true
  • Code for mounting EBS volume with /var/www/html directory and pull the web pages from github repository

      resource "null_resource" "mountEbs" {
          depends_on = [
          connection {
              type     = "ssh"
              user     = "ec2-user"
              private_key = tls_private_key.keyGenerate.private_key_pem
              host     = aws_instance.web.public_ip
          provisioner "remote-exec" {
              inline = [
                  "sudo mkfs.ext4 /dev/xvdh",
                  "sudo mount /dev/xvdh  /var/www/html/",
                  "sudo rm -rvf /var/www/html/*",
                  "sudo git clone https://github.com/surinder2000/web1.git /var/www/html/"
  • Code for creating S3 bucket

      resource "aws_s3_bucket" "webBucket" {
          bucket = "surin-bucket"
          acl = "private"
              force_destroy = true
          tags = {
              Name = "Web-bucket"
  • Code for uploading static data of webpages like images to S3 bucket

      resource "null_resource" "copyS3" {
          depends_on = [
          provisioner "local-exec" {
              command = "aws s3 cp  /media/surinder/Ubuntu/DevOps/images/  s3://${aws_s3_bucket.webBucket.bucket}  --recursive"
  • Code for creating cloudfront origin access identity which is required for creating cloudfront distribution for S3 bucket

      resource "aws_cloudfront_origin_access_identity" "originAccessIdentity" {
          comment = "access-identity-surin-bucket"
  • Code or creating cloudfront distribution for S3 bucket

      resource "aws_cloudfront_distribution" "s3Distribution" {
          depends_on = [
          origin {
              domain_name = aws_s3_bucket.webBucket.bucket_regional_domain_name
              origin_id   = local.s3_origin_id
              s3_origin_config {
                  origin_access_identity = "origin-access-identity/cloudfront/${aws_cloudfront_origin_access_identity.originAccessIdentity.id}"
          enabled             = true
          is_ipv6_enabled     = true
          default_cache_behavior {
              allowed_methods  = ["DELETE", "GET", "HEAD", "OPTIONS", "PATCH", "POST", "PUT"]
              cached_methods   = ["GET", "HEAD"]
              target_origin_id = local.s3_origin_id
              forwarded_values {
                  query_string = false
                  cookies {
                      forward = "none"
              viewer_protocol_policy = "allow-all"
              min_ttl                = 0
              default_ttl            = 3600
              max_ttl                = 86400
          wait_for_deployment = false
          restrictions {
              geo_restriction {
                  restriction_type = "whitelist"
                  locations        = ["US", "CA", "IN"]
          tags = {
              Environment = "Production"
          viewer_certificate {
              cloudfront_default_certificate = true
  • Code for creating bucket access policy

      data "aws_iam_policy_document" "s3Policy" {
          statement {
              actions   = ["s3:GetObject"]
              resources = ["${aws_s3_bucket.webBucket.arn}/*"]
              principals {
                  type        = "AWS"
                  identifiers = ["${aws_cloudfront_origin_access_identity.originAccessIdentity.iam_arn}"]
          statement {
              actions   = ["s3:ListBucket"]
              resources = ["${aws_s3_bucket.webBucket.arn}"]
              principals {
                  type        = "AWS"
                  identifiers = ["${aws_cloudfront_origin_access_identity.originAccessIdentity.iam_arn}"]
  • Code for writing bucket policy

      resource "aws_s3_bucket_policy" "bucketReadPolicy" {
          depends_on = [
          bucket = aws_s3_bucket.webBucket.id
          policy = data.aws_iam_policy_document.s3Policy.json
  • Code for putting cloudfront distribution URL of the images in the web pages

      resource "null_resource" "updateURL" {
          depends_on = [
          connection {
              type     = "ssh"
              user     = "ec2-user"
              private_key = tls_private_key.keyGenerate.private_key_pem
              host     = aws_instance.web.public_ip
          provisioner "remote-exec" {
              inline = [
                  "sudo sed -i 's|url|https://${aws_cloudfront_distribution.s3Distribution.domain_name}|g' /var/www/html/first.html"
      output "Webip" {
          value = aws_instance.web.public_ip
  • Code for displaying the website on the firefox browser

      resource "null_resource" "showSite" {
          depends_on = [
          provisioner "local-exec" {
              command = "firefox http://${aws_instance.web.public_ip}/index.html &"

    This is the complete code for the required infrastructure

  1. Run the following commands to apply this infrastructure

     terraform init 

    This command download all the required plugins for launching this infrastructure

     terraform validate

    This command validate the code

     terraform apply -auto-approve

    This command launch complete infrastructure

  2. Run the following command to destroy complete infrastructure in one go

     terraform destroy -auto-approve

    We can integrate terraform with Jenkins for performing 3 and 4 step. By just committing the code of infrastructure from git, the code will automatically push to Github and the complete process of launching infrastructure will be done by Jenkins.

Integrating terraform with Jenkins for launching the infrastructure

Let's start creating the Jenkins jobs

Job 1. Pull the code from Github repository and copy it to one directory
  • In Source Control Management section put the Github repository url and branch name

Git configuration

  • In Build trigger section select Poll SCM for checking the github repository every minute

Build trigger

  • In the Build section from Add build step select Execute shell and put the following code in the command box

Execute shell

  • Click on Apply and Save
Job 2. Install required plugins for launching infrastructure and also validate the code
  • In Build trigger section select Build after other projects are built and put the name of Job 1 in the Project to watch box and check Trigger only if build is stable

Build trigger

  • In the Build section from Add build step select Execute shell and put the following code in the command box

Execute shell

  • Click on Apply and Save
Job 3. Launch infrastructure
  • In Build trigger section select Build after other projects are built and put the name of Job 2 in the Project to watch box and check Trigger only if build is stable

Build trigger

  • In the Build section from Add build step select Execute shell and put the following code in the command box

Execute shell

  • Click on Apply and Save
Job 4. Destroy infrastructure
  • In the Build Triggers section select Trigger builds remotely, put Authentication Token in the box, then the following url is used for triggering the job


Build trigger

  • In the Build section from Add build step select Execute shell and put the following code in the command box

Execute shell

  • Click on Apply and Save

    That's it our setup is ready

    Now as soon as the code is committed from git, it automatically pushed the code into the github repository and Job 1 of the Jenkins triggered which pull the code from Github and copy it into one directory. If Job 1 successfully build then Job 2 triggered and it installs the required plugins for launching infrastructure and validate the code. If Job 2 successfully build then Job 3 triggered and it launches the infrastructure.

    To destroy the infrastructure just trigger the Job 4 by executing the url provided by Job 4

    This is the Build pipeline view of the Jenkins jobs

    Build pipeline view