Yolov7 with ByteTrack

  1. Clone repo.
git clone https://github.com/axcelerateai/yolov7-bytetrack-streamlit.git
cd yolov7-bytetrack-streamlit
  1. Install requirements.


python3 -m venv .env
source .env/bin/activate
pip install Cython numpy
pip install -r requirements.txt
  • [Note]: cython_bbox have no windows distribution on pypi. If you're a windows user then run following command to install cython_bbox from source.
# for windows
pip install -e git+https://github.com/samson-wang/cython_bbox.git#egg=cython-bbox

# for linux
pip install cython-bbox


conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate yolov7_bytetrack
  • [Note]: cython_bbox have no windows distribution on pypi. If you're a windows user then run following command to install cython_bbox from source.
# for windows
pip install -e git+https://github.com/samson-wang/cython_bbox.git#egg=cython-bbox

# for linux
pip install cython-bbox

  1. Download weights.
python download_weights.py
  1. Run stremlit server
streamlit run yolov7-tiny-demo.py --server.port [LPORT]
  • LPORT = Local port of system

Test yolov7-tiny

  • To run Yolov7-Tiny
streamlit run yolov7-tiny-demo.py --server.port 2085

Test yolov7

streamlit run yolov7-demo.py --server.port 2085

Test yolor

streamlit run yolor-demo.py --server.port 2085