
Youtube video downloader

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Youtube Downloader

Youtube video downloader

Build Status Latest Stable Version Latest Unstable Version Coverage Status Total Downloads Dependency Status License


Youtube Downloader is PSR-0 compliant and can be installed using composer. Simply add masih/youtubedownloader to your composer.json file.

        "require": {
            "masih/youtubedownloader": "~1.6"

and run composer update command

Needs PHP 5.5 or newer. Tested with PHP 5.5, 5.6, 7.0, hhvm and nightly


Video infos

To get video infos, you should instantiate YoutubeDownloader with video url or video id. for example for http://youtube.com/watch?v=gmFn62dr0D8, video id is gmFn62dr0D8

include 'vendor/autoload.php';

use Masih\YoutubeDownloader\YoutubeDownloader;

$youtube = new YoutubeDownloader('gmFn62dr0D8');

$result = $youtube->getVideoInfo();

header('Content-type: application/json');
print json_encode($result);

the getVideoInfo() method will return an object containing video title, images, url and itag of all formats (full and adaptive), ...

Video formats are in two category; Full & adaptive in Full formats, videos and sounds are muxed and are in one file. but in Adaptive formats, videos and sounds are in separated urls. Each format has it's own itag. it's just an identifier

Download video

the download() method gets itag of a format and downloads it. if no itag is passed, it will download highest quality of Full format.

set_time_limit(0); // Downloading a video may take a lot time

include 'vendor/autoload.php';

use Masih\YoutubeDownloader\YoutubeDownloader;

$youtube = new YoutubeDownloader('gmFn62dr0D8');


Download progress

Download progress is available via onProgress parameter. it's a closure and has two parameters $downloadedBytes and $fileSize.

$youtube = new YoutubeDownloader('gmFn62dr0D8');

$youtube->onProgress = function ($downloadedBytes, $fileSize) {
	if ($fileSize > 0)
		echo 'Downloaded ' . $downloadedBytes . ' of ' . $fileSize . ' bytes [%' . number_format($downloadedBytes * 100 / $fileSize, 2) . '].' . "\n";
		echo 'Downloading...'; // File size is unknown, so just keep downloading


Download complete

Download complete event is available via onComplete parameter. it's a closure and has two parameters $filePath and $fileSize.

$youtube = new YoutubeDownloader('gmFn62dr0D8');

$youtube->onComplete = function ($filePath, $fileSize) {
	echo 'Downloading of ' . $fileSize . ' bytes has been completed. It is saved in ' . $filePath . "\n";

