Astro-Navbar is a fully responsive headless navigation bar for Astro. It supports mobile responsive toggle and dropdowns.
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Fix StickyHeader for <ViewTransitions/>
#29 opened by KemaneWright - 1
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Lock scroll when menu open?
#26 opened by somethingxdev - 4
[Bug] Cannot have multiple navs on page
#20 opened by KyleTryon - 8
smooth opening of the menu
#8 opened by tiwka19 - 2
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Add :hover to show dropdown items
#21 opened by Roohanjyot - 1
How to open on hover and click.
#19 opened by disrae - 22
Dropdown only works on localhost, not Vercel
#5 opened by gene-fls - 13
component does not work using <ViewTransitions>
#12 opened by tiwka19 - 5
mobile menu not toggling open/closed
#14 opened by EMurrell - 2
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Menu doesn't close after click on anchor links
#7 opened by ldaume - 1
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