How to integrate into a angular 4 project
sushmithakumar opened this issue · 18 comments
I have followed the steps but the example sample ones weren't sufficient to understand the integration to angular 4 project .Please help with this solution
I can help you, I have integrated the project with Angular 5, what is the doubt you have?
OK, I'll explain my case:
I install:
npm ngx-quill-editor --save
in app.module.ts:
import { QuillEditorModule } from 'ngx-quill-editor';
declarations: [
imports: [
], ...
Then, on the project:,
TS page:
public my_string: string;
HTML page:
<quill-editor name="detailEditTxt" [(ngModel)]="my_string"></quill-editor>
This will place all the text, images and links to videos that you write in the variable "my_string".
To see the result, just place a button that will run console.log (this.my_string).
Try it and tell me. In case of any error, please share it here.
The variable "my_string" is the data model, this can be a simple string variable or an attribute of a data model. in this example, i use the variable "v_text":
Within the attribute or variable, all the content that is being introduced in the quill control will be stored, text with format, images (these are automatically converted to base64), links to videos, etc. Everything is stored in HTML format.
Into DataBase
This would show the content inside the variable "v_text":
All that html text, you store it in database, you send it by mail, etc.
If you want to add a style sheet, what you comment is correct, your snow.css style sheet can be placed in the angular-cli.json file, in the "styles" section, example:
"styles": [
"assets / styles / sidenav.css",
I hope I have helped you, if you have more questions, please write them here, to help you.
haa ok!,
In this web it will help you to personalize the editor:
ngx-quill-editor is developed based on quilljs.
Do not worry, you can use it in the same way, I'll show you an example:
<quill-editor id="detailEditTxt" name="detailEditTxt" [(ngModel)]="var_detailString"
// Configurations
// Specific options for toolbox
public toolbarOptions = [['bold', 'italic'], ['link', 'image']];
// Set options
public editorOptions = {
placeholder: 'Write your text here ...'
, modules: {
toolbar: this.toolbarOptions
What is the error?
Please, attach too your code please.
npm ngx-quill-editor --save
So 2.2.4 version got installed .
In app.module.ts file
import { QuillEditorModule } from 'ngx-quill-editor';
declarations: [
imports: [
], ...
TS page:
public my_string: string;
HTML page:
<quill-editor name="detailEditTxt" [(ngModel)]="my_string">
Till here it was fine
It appeared with all the tools in it.
After that to customize where I needed only bold italic underline image and link
For that I used
// Specific options for toolbox
public toolbarOptions = [['bold', 'italic'], ['link', 'image']];
// Set options
public editorOptions = {
placeholder: 'Write your text here ...'
, modules: {
toolbar: this.toolbarOptions
Initially it was working though it had one error..
For the semi-colon in the above piece of code.
Then after doing some alterations with the comma and semicolon.It gave me this error when I tried to clean build the file ng build as initially with editor options I was getting one error but rendered on chrome later when used ng build and ng serve got webpack compile failed and the lines of error above attached.
After adding it started giving error as ngx quill editor not found..Then I changed this line
import { QuillEditorModule } from 'ngx-quill-editor'; to import { QuillEditorModule } from './node_modules/ngx-quill-editor';
I'm using angular cli
1.5.0 and angular/compiler-cli version 5.0.0
mmm ok,
update the version to "ngx-quill-editor": "2.2.2" and you start again from the beginng.
When it works again, add the controls configuration.