- 1
- 16
Issue with Angular 5.x
#31 opened by m-ghaoui - 0
"export 'DOCUMENT' was not found in '@angular/platform-browser' Fix for Angular 8
#71 opened by JamieBohannaWebDev - 1
- 1
I can't add Undo/Redo Buttons to quill-editor
#69 opened by didacpr - 2
Type checking errors with Angular 7
#65 opened by lubkoKuzenko - 5
Angular 6 Package format compliance
#55 opened by vycoder - 2
- 14
- 1
Cannot change font color and background color
#64 opened by priyagr - 0
- 0
cannot detect empty content when I use backspace
#67 opened by sagho0or - 0
img can not bind to model
#66 opened by chenguanbo - 14
- 3
- 6
- 2
- 5
unable to register ImageResize module
#19 opened by kudsyf - 0
- 1
Inline css instead of classes
#43 opened by robertsmith2 - 1
Compatibility with Angular Universal
#62 opened by suparnavg - 0
Update dependencies
#29 opened by jemstamps - 1
Testing wih Jest fails.
#30 opened by 1ik - 0
Italic functionlity not working
#61 opened by ashutoshagg - 3
How to register a custom module?
#51 opened by wlecki - 0
can editor set fontsize in Number(13, 14, 15 ) not in these words (small normal large huge) ?I have not seen in configration
#58 opened by ming24 - 0
- 0
Type 'null' is not assignable to type 'string'
#54 opened by lmrnba6 - 0
Disable not available
#52 opened by DT007 - 1
- 0
Enable edit html code.
#49 opened by mostafacs - 18
How to integrate into a angular 4 project
#47 opened by sushmithakumar - 1
Change the editor's css property after import
#41 opened by pierre03 - 0
#48 opened by markgzl - 3
Toolbar - how do you remove link,image,video
#44 opened by john-lieb - 1
- 0
Not able to add font
#28 opened by nikuelias - 2
- 0
no scrollbar with the first exemple
#40 opened by pierre03 - 0
- 0
- 0
Toolbar on the top instead...
#36 opened by mdalmazzi - 1
Using both styleUrls and styles properties does not work in Webpack environment
#20 opened by alex-shevchenko - 0
Hi Surmon can I add more font family into editor
#34 opened by dttrung - 0
IE 11 click in heading 1 break the line
#33 opened by luisbirchenz - 0
(change) event triggered on init but shouldn't
#27 opened by shanshanzoe - 0
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- 3
#18 opened by lirunkai