
Debian GNU/Linux 9 (stretch) 64-bit, Omnetpp-5.2.1, Sumo 0.30, Instant Veins 4.6, Catch (Unit Testing Framework)

Primary LanguageC++


Tech Stack :

  • Debian GNU/Linux 9 (stretch) 64-bit
  • Omnetpp-5.2.1
  • Sumo 0.30
  • Instant Veins 4.6
  • Catch (Unit Testing Framework)

Veins Vanet Simulation

Using standards Mac 1609.4 and IEEE 80211p

Directory content

  • vanets/ - Is subclassing from veins framework + some recordings for collisions and channel utilization
  • veins/ - Open source vehicular networks framework with some added logging for debugging

Original veins found here. https://github.com/sommer/veins.git

Procedures 👍

Run simulation

Go inside simulation folder

$ cd vanets/

Run sumo socket

Open terminal window

$ ./sumo-launchd.py -vv -c sumo-gui

Run omnetpp simulation

Go to omnetpp IDE (eclipse)

Select the file [/vanets/src/omnetpp.ini]

  • Click green button with arrow at the top to run
  • On the pop up window, Select the config file to run. The description is on title
  • Click run button on top left corner (NOTE: It is usually faster)
  • Stop simulation
  • Click on stop button
  • Click the button with the flag to conclude simulation
  • Clicking the flag will finish the simulation and generate the result files under /vanets/src/results/

Test Framework Setup:

Install Catch:

Download catch

$ cd vanets/test/Catch2/
$ git clone https://github.com/catchorg/Catch2.git
$ cd Catch2
$ cmake -Bbuild -H. -DBUILD_TESTING=OFF
$ sudo cmake --build build/ --target install

Run tests:

$ cd vanet/test/

Compile $ g++ -std=c++11 -Wall -Icatch2/catch.h -I../src/ChannelService.h -o ChannelServiceTest ChannelServiceTest.cc && ChannelServiceTest --success

Run $ <To add>

Install cmake:
