This project is a clone of the famous Crypto Kitties. It demonstrates use of the following technologies:
- CSS3
- JavaScript
- Bootstrap
- jQuery
- Solidity
- web3.js
- Truffle
- Ganache
- Mocha.js
- Chai.js
- MetaMask
UI Functionality:
- creation of bird with a 17-digit DNA sequence
- 7 exciting animations for the birds
- millions of color combinations for each bird
- breeding of baby birds
- buying and selling of birds for test ETH
- catalog to display all birds of the user
- market place displaying all active offers of birds both of the current user and other users
Technical Functionality:
- Creation and management of ERC721 tokens
- Payments with ERC20 tokens (testnet)
- Compliance with IERC721 and IERC165 (Open Zeppelin)
- 95 unit tests for the smart contract code utilizing three additional test contracts
- Implementation of pause functionality to allow for maintenance by the contract owner
- Full SafeMath implementation for full protection against Over- and Underflow
- Checks / Effects / Interactions logic to prevent re-entrency attacks
- No external library calls to prevent Parity Freeze szenario
- Independent Market Contract handling the trading of the NFT tokens
- Truffle migrations
- Live demonstration:
- Birdcontract:
- Marketcontract: