Adversarially Robust Prototypical Few-shot Segmentation with Neural-ODEs

Primary LanguagePython


Adversarially Robust Prototypical Few-shot Segmentation with Neural-ODEs

Predicted masks by different models for different attacks

Installation and setup

To install this repository and its dependent packages, run the following.

git clone https://github.com/pnodemiccai/PNODE-FSS.git
conda create --name PNODE-FSS # (optional, for making a conda environment)
pip install -r requirements.txt

Change the paths to BCV, CT-ORG and Decathlon datasets in config.py and test_config.py according to paths on your local. Also change the path to ImageNet pretrained VGG model weights in these files.

Trained model weights for PNODE, AT-PANet and all baselines on relevant settings can be found here.

Processed datasets of BCV, CT-ORG and Decathlon can be downloaded from here.


To train baseline methods, go to their respective folders and run

python3 train.py with model_name=<save-name> target=<test-target> n_shot=<shot>

For AT-PANet, run train_adversarial.py from PANet folder with the same arguments as before.

For PNODE, some extra arguments are needed. To train PNODE, run

python3 train.py with model_name=<save-name> target=<test-target> n_shot=<shot> ode_layers=3 ode_time=4


To train baseline methods, go to their respective folders and run

python3 test_attacked.py with snapshot=<weights-path> target=<test-target> dataset=<BCV/CTORG/Decathlon> attack=<Clean/FGSM/PGD/SMIA> attack_eps=<eps> to_attack=<q/s>

This command can be used for testing all models on all settings, namely 1-shot and 3-shot, liver and spleen and Clean, FGSM, PGD and SMIA with different epsilons.

Class Mapping

    Liver: 6
    Spleen: 1
    Liver: 1
    Liver: 2
    Spleen: 6