
Simple memory game made on iOS (see README for screenshots)

Primary LanguageSwift


  • First assignment of Stanford's iOS Development course -- making Concentration
  • My code does not borrow from the starter code since I have no access to it
  • Instead this project is built from scratch with the help from the instructor's knowledge of the language and project specifications


  • To get hands dirty with Swift, XCode, iOS development, UIKit and see how well MVC works for a mobile app
  • To familliarize oneself with programming once again -- debugging, design patterns, maintaining the right environment, version control

Standout Features

  • Reset flip counter
  • Detect matching cards
  • Randomly selected emojis from a set for a chosen theme
  • MVC

Future Features

  • High Scores
  • Launch Screen
  • Start and End Game
  • Difficulty (i.e. number of cards, timed window to see flipped card before it flips back)
  • Complete Implementation of selecting a theme
  • Add more themes
  • Transfer static theme code from ThemeGenerator to a json file


  • Demos showcasing the completed implementation of one round of the game

demo-1                demo-2

  • Demos showcasing the ability to change "themes" at any point
