
automation tasks

Primary LanguageJavaScript

HeyJobs test automation task

  • Write automated tests for the following cases:
    • When users open the job list, they can see a list of 5 jobs with pictures, company names and locations.
    • After users click on a job from the list, they can see job details.
    • Users can navigate back from a job details page to the job list.
    • Users see error message when they visit an unknown URL e.g. http://localhost:3333/foo.

To run the automated tests

This automation framework is using WebdriverIO tool with Mocha and Chai. To run the tests on your machine hit following npm commands.


setup :
  1. git clone
  2. cd automation-test-task

1. Start the app

npm start

Application will be available on localhost:3333

2. Run the tests

Open new terminal and run below command.

npm test