
A simple replacement for the default text field.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Baseline text field

Default appearance for the 'baseline-text' field plug-in


A simple replacement for the default text field, plus a few improvements (see below). You can either download and use this as-is, or you can use it as a starting template when creating your own field plug-in for a text field.

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In addition to supporting the default SurveyCTO features listed below, this field plug-in offers the following expanded functionality:

  1. Support for HTML in field references
    If you reference another field's value in either the field label or field hint, and that referenced value contains HTML, the HTML will be correctly rendered.
  2. Better support for RTL languages
    The field label, hint, and input will now be justified to the right when they contain an RTL language.

Data format

This field plug-in requires the text field type.

How to use

Getting started

To use this plug-in as-is, just download the baseline-text.fieldplugin.zip file from this repo, specify this field plug-in as a custom field appearance in the form design (like in the test form), and attach it to your form. For more details about using field plug-ins, please read the user documentation.

To create your own field plug-in using this as a template, follow these steps:

  1. Fork this repo
  2. Make changes to the files in the source directory.
    • Note: be sure to update the manifest.json file as well.
  3. Zip the updated contents of the source directory.
  4. Rename the .zip file to yourpluginname.fieldplugin.zip (replace yourpluginname with the name you want to use for your plug-in).
  5. You may then attach your new .fieldplugin.zip file to your form as normal.

For more information about developing your own field plug-ins, please read the developer documentation.

Default SurveyCTO feature support

Feature / Property Support
Supported field type(s) text
Default values Yes
Constraint message Uses default behavior
Required message Uses default behavior
Read only Yes (shows the current value, if present)
media:image Yes
media:audio Yes
media:video Yes
numbers appearance Yes
numbers_decimal appearance Yes
numbers_phone appearance Yes


Note about the numbers_decimal appearance on iOS:
iOS has a less-consistent way of determining which on-screen keyboard to display than Android. If you are using this plug-in with the numbers_decimal appearance, you should test your form on the actual iOS device that you plan on using. If the wrong keyboard appears (for example, if there is no decimal button available), you may supply an optional parameter to the plug-in to set the keyboard type manually.

Parameter key Parameter value
ios-inputmode Possible values: none, text, decimal, numeric, tel, search, email, url. Click here for more information about the inputmode attribute.

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