
Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Button to advance



Use this field plug-in to customize the way a user moves to the next field. The user can click/tap a button, or press a certain keyboard key. This can be useful in administering timed forms/surveys, in which the user needs better control over how the timed portion starts.


This plug-in is currently under beta. If you you find a problem with the field plug-in, please email max@surveycto.com.


  • Customizable Start button
    You can customize the button label, or even hide the button completely.
  • Customizable Start hotkey
    By default for this field plug-in, pressing the spacebar will advance to the next field, but you can choose a different key, or disable the hotkey functionality completely.

Data format

This field plug-in requires the text field type.

This field has no value until the button or hotkey is pressed/clicked. When the hotkey is clicked, this field is given a value of 1. When the button is pressed, it is given a value of 2. So, if it is fine for the respondent to swipe or use the arrows to move to the next field, make the required value of the field blank or no. If the respondent must use the specified hotkey or button, make the required value of the field yes.

How to use

Getting started

To use this field plug-in as-is, just download the button-to-advance.fieldplugin.zip file from this repo, and attach it to your form.


All parameters are optional.

Name Description Default
allowback Whether the respondent can return to this field. By default, if a respondent attempts to return to this field (such as by swiping back), then this field will auto-advance, and bring them back to the field they were on. This is helpful for timed tests, such as EGRA tests or implicit association tests (IAT), since if the respondent's finger slips, and they accidentally swipe back, they will be brought back so they can easily continue. If this field has a value of 1, then the respondent can return to this field, and it will not auto-advance them. 0
buttontext Text on the start button. Start
key Key to press to advance to the next field. Make sure it is in single quotes, and lowercase. If you would like the respondent to only be able to advance by tapping/clicking the button, give this field a value of 'None'. (spacebar)
nobutton Whether or not the button on the screen will be hidden. By default, the button will always be shown. If this parameter has a value of 1, then the button will be hidden, and the respondent can only advance using the specified keyboard key. 0

Default SurveyCTO feature support

Feature / Property Support
Supported field type(s) text
Default values No
Custom constraint message No
Custom required message No
Read only No
media:image Yes
media:audio Yes
media:video Yes
number appearance No
numbers_decimal appearance No
numbers_phone appearance No
show_formatted appearance No

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