
A MERN Stack application. This is a clone website of Flipkart.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Flipkart Clone

This is a clone website of Flipkart( MERN Stack )

Front Page Screenshot

Flipkart Clone Website Screenshot of frontpage

Live Demo

checkout live demo -> https://musing-mestorf-5e4fda.netlify.app/

Run on your machine locally

  • Fork the repository first

  • Clone the project

          git clone https://github.com/<your_name>/flipkart_clone.git
  • Go to the directory

          cd flipkart_clone
  • Then go to the client

          cd client
  • Then install the dependencies

          npm install
  • After downloading the dependencies you can run it through

          npm start

What are the main features of this website?

This Flipkart Clone website is made using MERN Stack. Here are some main features of this website -

  • User's Sign up/Log in using JWT authentication
  • User's data is secured in the database with password encription
  • Fully responsive for all devices
  • User's can add items to cart, delete from cart, buy items and check delivery status
  • Fuzzy search is used

Technology used

For frontend React Js, Redux, Tailwind CSS

For backend Node Js, Express, Mongo Db

Author : Surya Dana✍

Portfolio - https://suryadana.codes/

Linkedin - https://www.linkedin.com/in/surya-dana-4787271b1/

I made this clone project only as a personal project (for education purpose). ❤