
This is a chat Application (Web Based) in Node.JS using Socket.io

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A Web-Based Chat Application using Node.JS using Socket.IO

Project is deployed in Heroku



The Chat Application is a initial phase of the building with basic operation as sending text and location to the members in a room.The basic concept is

  1. Join the room (By providing Name and Room Name)
  2. Chat within that room (Message will be broadcasted to every member of that room)

Location is fetched from the Geolcation API of Mozilla

Geting Started

Install the npm in the command promt inside the project

npm install .

Running the tests

For the test, package.json has to be changed

Break down into end to end tests

using mocha.js,tests can be done, to install mocha:

npm i mocha@3.0.2--save-dev

Script modifications are necessery:

"scripts": {
    "start": "node server/server.js",
    "test": "mocha server/**/*.test.js",
    "test-watch": "nodemon --exec \"npm test\""

Testing the application

Within Command Prompt of the project npm test

Running the project Locally

Within the Command prompt write the following code

nodemon server/server.js

This should be run after installing all the npm modules of the project

Open any browser and write the following URL


Built With

  • Atom - The text editor used
  • Node.js - Application compiler used
  • [NPM Modules]


See the list of contributors of the project here.


I would like to thank Andrew J Mead for providing guidance to making the initial build of the project.