
A full-stack web application build to help bartenders and recently graduated bartending students

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A full-stack web application build to help bartenders and recently graduated bartending students who are willing to work in heavily crowded bars.


  • Completely Responsive
  • Dark mode/light mode
  • Form validation
  • Authentication
  • Authorization
  • Landing Page
  • Signup-Signin Page
  • Admin panel
  • functionalities such as pagination, filtering and sorting
  • cocktail details Page
  • user can search for cocktails and can also add a new cocktail he/she discovered
  • user can update cocktail details

Tech Stacks used

  • React js
  • JavaScript
  • Redux
  • Context Api
  • ChakraUI
  • Node js
  • Express js
  • MongoDB
  • Jwt
  • Mongoose

Appication snaps:-

Screenshot (384) Screenshot (378)

Screenshot (376) Screenshot (377) Screenshot (382)

Screenshot (385) Screenshot (379) Screenshot (386)

Deployed Link
