
Finding ancestors and descendants of elements of a DAG and checking if given trail is a path

Primary LanguagePython

DAG operations

Finding ancestors and descendants of elements of a DAG and checking if given trail is a path


  1. Number of nodes are taken as input
  2. 1 to N unique nodes are generated
  3. Number of edges is taken as input
  4. N edges are taken as input
  5. A dictionary of the network is created with key being the node and the value being a list of nodes to which the current node directs edges to.

isTrailPath() Function returns a Boolean value which states if the given trail was a path or not.

findAncestories() function computes descendants recursively. The descendants are then used to compute the ancestors.

makeGraph() inputs values and returns a network graph.


  1. Node ids are integers
  2. Only DAGs are given as input, i.e. no cycles exist.
  3. All edges are directed
  4. Trails are atleast 2 nodes long.