
Step 1: Install Heroku CLI in your system by running the following command. It will install the updated version of Heroku CLI into your system.

Step -2 : Now, get to https://www.heroku.com/ and register. After completing your registration go to the dashboard and create a new app named “myherokuapp” or name of your choice.

Step 3: Run the following command, it will prompt you to enter any key to continue, it will open a new tab in your browser asking you to log in to your Heroku account. After you enter the required credentials and login on the site, it is going to show in your terminal “Logged in”

heroku login

Step 4: Initialize a Git repository by running the following command. Make sure you be at the top-level of your project directory.

git init

Step 5: Now, add the Heroku remote by simply running the command which you will find in your Heroku Dashboard -> myherokuapp or Your App Name -> Deploy Section


Simply run the following command. Deployment method should’ve chosen as GitHub.

heroku git: remote -a myherokuapp

Step 6: Now the most important part and i.e Heroku provides the buildpack for Python, Node.js based app but it doesn’t provide buildpack for React apps. So we have to add an extra buildpack in the settings section of your Heroku app.

Open package.json under your parent directory and insert following line to scriptstag:

"scripts": { ... "heroku-postbuild": "cd ANGULAR_APP_FOLDER && npm install" }

heroku-postbuild is a tag used only in Heroku environment. It runs specified command after Heroku builds your application. (Explanation on Heroku Devcenter) Run ng build after the package is installed

Move to your angular app folder and open package.json (NOTE: this is ANGULAR APP package.json. Different from package.json at previous step). Insert following line to scriptstag:

"scripts": { ... "postinstall": "ng build --aot -prod" }

Command in postinstall is executed after npm package is installed. Now, it’s time to build your angular application. You can check ng cli options here.

Modify devDependencies and dependencies

Keep your angular app’s package.jsonopen. Insert following packages to dependencies.

Angular CLI is running on heroku environment in which Angular CLI is not installed by default. So we have to install Angular CLI at production environment.

"@angular/cli": "^1.0.1", "@angular/compiler-cli": "^2.3.1", "typescript": "^2.0.3"

Remove following libraries from devDependencies. Since they are installed at production, we do not need to keep them in dev environment.

"@angular/compiler-cli" "typescript"

Specify what node and npm version you want to use

Open package.jsonunder your project folder. Insert following lines:

"engines": { "node": "7.8.0", "npm": "4.6.1" }

Without this, npm complains UNMET DEPENDENCIES when you push to heroku.