
C# havoc implant

Primary LanguagePowerShell


C# havoc implant

A .NET Framework test agent for Havoc C2. I just wanna learn how to make c2 implants. Will receive updates for now.
Just modify the handler to your teamserver. Also it's probably really buggy right now.

Supports http/s, but can only call back to one host address
Arguments with multiple spaces are buggy right now


Command Description Example
exit Tasks the implant to exit exit
ls List directories ls \program files
shell Run a command via cmd.exe /c shell net localgroup "Printer Operators"
upload Upload a file upload /etc/passwd \windows\temp\bruh.txt
download Download a file download \windows\temp\bruh.txt
bofexec* Run a beacon object file in memory bofexec /opt/whoami.x64.o
inline_assembly Run a .NET assembly in memory inline_assembly /opt/Seatbelt.exe
inline_pe Run a PE in memory inline_pe /opt/mimikatz.exe
powershell_import Load a powershell script powershell_import /opt/Invoke-Mimikatz.ps1 mmk
powershell_list List powershell scripts accessible to agent powershell_list
powershell Run some powershell (doesn't spawn powershell.exe) powershell Invoke-Mimikatz -Command "coffee exit"
powershell_free Remove powershell script powershell_free mmk

bofexec is incredbibly funky right now and baically experiemental. When client can take multiple args (unless its a skill issue from me) then arg support will be resolved.
Also I cannot guarantee the lack of a memory leak. I have not done extensive testing and highly do not reccomend using this for anything other than fun or like hackthebox lmao


idk shit so this is my guess of the situation based on my code

  • this implant is literally a sussy c# binary.
  • 4 NTAPIs are stuck within the RWX JIT space (where the sacrifical Gate* methods are).
  • No obfuscation, assembly name is "HavocImplant", and strings are used instead of hashes for invoking ntapi
  • inline_pe clears the PE header, but after execution, doesn't seem to clear the managed byte array of the PE. I think the unmanaged one used for execution is cleaned up successfully though. Also leaves conhost.exe (hidden) cause I can't figure out how to close it properly.
  • bofexec currently has the bof objectfile in the resource section. However, it could be downloaded into memory instead (for future me)
  • inline assembly creates a sacrificial appdomain to load assembly.
  • shell spawns cmd
  • powershell scripts are stored in plaintext in memory
  • i have not tested if powershell bypasses script block logging


RastaMouse - SharpC2 Drone command interface/handling, filesystem listing
codex_tf2 - PyHmmm + documentation on comm structure
thiagomayllart - DarkMelkor for inline assembly
Nettitude - Bofexec and Inline PE base
Octoberfest7 - Capturing Inline PE output with Windows Application
mgeeky - Stracciatella is powershell magic ChatGPT - String formatting, manual deserialization, json stuff