
This project is a web app that allows the user to upload an image, which the trained neural network will output whether the image is of the American singer, Ariana Grande.

Primary LanguagePython


This project is a web app that allows the user to upload an image, which the trained neural network will output whether the image is of the American singer, Ariana Grande. Demo video


  1. Web scraper for training data
  2. Neural network training with Keras
  3. Flask web app deployment

Web scraper for training data

  • imagespider: one crawler for Ariana images, one for non-Ariana images.

Neural network training with Keras

  • Uses Keras ImageDataGenerator to perform data augumentation.
  • model_training.ipynb uses a vanilla model (from Andrew Ng), utilizing the .hdf5 dataset input format.
  • model_training_keras_scratch.ipynb trains on a basic architecture found on the Keras documentation (see reference links below).
  • After training, output the model architecture as .json and the weights as .h5

Flask web app deployment

  • Use Flask to generate default UI (see reference links below).
  • Allow for user to upload images, which are resized.
  • Load the model architecture and weights into the web app.
  • Call .predict() and output the result accordingly.

Reference links