
Graphical data tool for GLAM materials

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Visual tool for viewing, editing, downloading and uploading of GLAM-based data.

what is this?


what and where are nodes?



toddler 2.0 GLAMpipe is starting to found its shape. It's by no means production ready yet.

installation (work in progress)

GLAMpipe can be run on Linux as a nodejs application or it can be run via Docker/Docker Compose (also on Mac, Windows not tested).

Try Docker Compose installation first. It will run MongoDB for you and it also takes care of linking MongoDB and GLAMpipe.

Docker Compose (needs more testing)

GLAMpipe can be installed via Docker compose. So first you need to install Docker: https://docs.docker.com/engine/installation/

  1. Clone GLAMpipe repository:

     git clone https://github.com/artturimatias/GLAMpipe.git
     cd GLAMpipe
  2. Then install GLAMpipe. There is a dockerhub image that you can use:

     docker-compose pull

    Or, if you want to build from source:

     docker-compose build

    And finally:

     docker-compose up

This takes a while at first time but next time the start up is almost instant. Finally you should see something like this:

    ********************* G L A M p i pe *************************
    * DATA PATH: /home/arihayri/GLAMpipe_DATA
    * NODE PATH: 
    * STATUS:    running on
    ********************* G L A M p i pe *************************

Just type http://localhost:3000 in your browser and you should have GLAMpipe in front of you. You can stop GLAMpipe by pressing CTRL + C

Possible problems with docker compose install

When you run "docker-compose up" command first time, the mongo service might start later that GLAMpipe. This means that GLAMpipe refuses to start. Just press CTRL + C and then type again "docker-compose up".

If there is still a problem with database, you can try to start mongo first:

docker-compose up -d mongo

And then:

docker-compose up glam

Native nodejs install on Linux (Debian-based distros)

If you have a Linux box or you can run Linux in virtual machine, then these instructions should get you going with GLAMpipe.

  1. First install mongo database and git

      apt-get install mongodb git

    Test that Mongo is really running. Just type:


    You should see something like this:

     MongoDB shell version: 2.4.10
     connecting to: test

    Press CTRL + C to exit MongoDB Shell.

  2. Then install nodejs. Nodejs in Debian repository is quite old so it is better to install from nodesource: https://nodejs.org/en/download/package-manager/#debian-and-ubuntu-based-linux-distributions

    execute as root:

     curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_6.x | bash -
     apt-get install -y nodejs
  3. Create a installation directory for GLAMpipe and cd to it (as normal user)

     cd directory_you_just_created
  4. Fetch GLAMpipe code from GitHub

     git clone https://github.com/artturimatias/GLAMpipe.git
     cd GLAMpipe
  5. Create data directory for GLAMpipe and set it as dataPath in config/config.js.

    for example:

     mkdir /home/YOUR_USERNAME_HERE/GLAMpipe_DATA 


     // DATAPATH
     // - where GLAMpipe can strore project data
     // default: ""
     var dataPath = "/home/__YOUR_USERNAME_HERE__/GLAMpipe_DATA ;
  6. Install node dependencies

     npm install
  7. Try to run

     node glampipe.js

    You should see something like this:

     ********************* G L A M p i pe *************************
     * DATA PATH: /home/arihayri/GLAMpipe_DATA
     * NODE PATH: 
     * STATUS:    running on
     ********************* G L A M p i pe *************************

    You can stop GLAMpipe by pressing CTRL + C

##Upgrading Just type

git pull

and then

docker-compose build
docker-compose up