
silly dev process gamification tool

Primary LanguagePython



A tool for doing silly gamification of the development process by allowing a manager/PM/whoever define achievments that will query a bug/task system and generate a corresponding high score list that can be displayed on random screens.

Good for bragging rights, throwdowns, and other sundry critical aspects of the software development process.


Just provide valid credentials and JQL search query string and you're good. Doesn't work with saved searches yet, however.

Confluence Info

Currently you are required to pre-create your Confluence page and pre-upload your trophy image attachments. This is because both the Confluence xmlrpc and python APIs currently hate me, but I'm hoping for a future reconciliation.

Size is up to you but personally I try to avoid anything bigger than 200x200. "Your mileage may vary"

Future Plans

  • Jenkins integration as an input

  • Github as an input/output

  • Bugzilla 5 as an input, esp. since they're coming out with a new RESTful API

  • My current Bamboo input implementation I've been using is not shareable in its current state, going to rewite that module before posting it.


usage: cheevos [-h] [--inputType <issue system>]
               [--outputType <content mgr system>] [--trophyName trophyName]
               [--confName confName]

Let's make some cheevos!

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --inputType <issue system>
                        Bug data store [default value = jira]
  --outputType <content mgr system>
                        Content display [default value = confluence]
  --trophyName trophyName
                        Unique name for your cheevo trophy
  --confName confName   Unique tag to include in configuration template name


To create easy access template, run:

% cheevo --trophyName top-bug-fixer

Edit subsequent "cheevos-top-bug-fixer.conf" file. Will look something like this:

    "bug_system": {
        "REST_query": "",
        "password": "",
        "server_URL": "",
        "type": "jira",
        "username": ""
    "content_system": {
        "page": "",
        "password": "",
        "server_URL": "",
        "space": "",
        "type": "",
        "username": ""
    "trophies": {
        "num_trophies": null,
        "trophy_1": "",
        "trophy_2": "",
        "trophy_3": ""

A completed config file will look like this:

    "bug_system": {
        "REST_query": "issuetype = bug AND resolutiondate >= '-6d' AND Resolution in (done,fixed)", 
        "password": "jiraUser", 
        "server_URL": "http://jira.mycompany.com", 
        "type": "jira", 
        "username": "jiraPassword"
    "content_system": {
        "page": "TopBugFixer", 
        "password": "confluencePassword", 
        "server_URL": "http://confluence.mycompany.com/rpc/xmlrpc", 
        "space": "MyProjectSpace", 
        "type": "confluence", 
        "username": "confluenceUser"
    "trophies": {
        "num_trophies": 3,
        "trophy_1": "gold_trophy.jpeg", 
        "trophy_2": "silver_trophy.jpeg", 
        "trophy_3": "bronze_trophy.jpeg"

Now that you have a completed config file, you can start generating your cheevos page!

% cheevos --confName cheevos-top-bug-fixer.conf


Author:: Tara Hernandez (tequilarista@gmail.com)