# Helphelp - generating online help The helphelp tool takes a directory of files formatted using Markdown [1] and converts it to a set of static HTML pages. It supports the usual Markdown syntax and the extensions provided by Maruku [2]. The Mardown converted to HTML is inserted into templates provided by helphelp or by the caller on the command line. The support a few additional features like generation of a table of contents. The structure of the source directory, its subdirectories, and the files in them is reflected in the generated output. As a convention the tool expects file and directory names to start with a three digit number. This number is used to define the sequence of files in the structure of the online help. The numbers don't show up in the output. Source files are expected to have the suffix ".md". Picture files which are referenced from the markdown are scaled and copied to the output destination at the same location in the directory hierarchy as they are in the sources. There are another few non-Markdown features which are supported in the source files by the helphelp tool. If you insert a "#dir_toc" at the beginning of a line, it is replaced by a table of contents for the content of the subdirectory the file is located. [1]: http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/ [2]: http://maruku.rubyforge.org/