
This repository includes all the necessary materials for Machine Learning Interview including coding and System Design Interview.

Primary LanguagePython


This repository contains all of the resources and questions I was given for the machine learning interview, including coding and the system design interview, throughout my preparation.

Coding Interview Problems - Leetcode

S.N. Problem Name Difficulty Level Solution Leetcode Link
1 Two Sum Problem Easy Two Sum Solution
2 3 Sum Problem Difficult 3 Sum Solution
3 Smallest Difference Problem Easy Smallest Difference Solution
4 Move Element-to-end Problem Easy Move Element-to-end Solution
5 Monotonic Array Problem Difficult Monotonic Array Solution
6 Spiral Traverse Problem Easy Monotonic Array Solution
7 Merge Sorted Array Easy Merge Sorted Array Solution Leetcode Question Link
8 Remove Element Easy Remove Element Solution Leetcode Question Link
9 Remove Duplicate Element Easy Remove Duplicate Element Solution Leetcode Question Link
10 Remove Duplicate Element-II Medium Remove Duplicate Element-II Solution Leetcode Question Link
11 Majority Element Easy Majority Element Solution Leetcode Question Link
12 Rotate Array Medium Rotate Array Solution Leetcode Question Link
13 Best Time to buy and sell stock Easy Solution Leetcode Question Link
14 Best Time to buy and sell stock-II Medium Solution Leetcode Question Link
15 Jump Game Easy Solution Leetcode Question Link
16 Jump Game-II Medium Solution Leetcode Question Link
17 H-Index Medium Solution Leetcode Question Link
18 H-Index-II Medium Solution Leetcode Question Link
19 Insert Delete GetRandom O(1) Medium Solution Leetcode Question Link
20 Product of Array Except Self Medium Solution Leetcode Question Link
21 Gas Station Medium Solution Leetcode Question Link
22 Candy Hard Solution Leetcode Question Link
23 Trapping Rain Water Hard Solution Leetcode Question Link
24 Roman To Integer Easy Solution Leetcode Question Link
25 Integer To Roman Medium Solution Leetcode Question Link
26 Two Sum Medium Solution Leetcode Question Link
27 Three Sum Medium Solution Leetcode Question Link

Best of Luck! :like: