
fizzbuzz game api

Primary LanguageJava

The Assignment

  • Create an application that implements the rules of Fizz Buzz game
    • A user gives 1-N numbers and for each the API returns the correct String response based on the rules of the FizzBuzz game: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fizz_buzz
    • No need to consider multiplayer-scenario
  • The application has to be written in a language runnable on JVM
  • The game must be playable through an HTTP API
  • Make the code repository available to us. E.g. from GitHub or BitBucket
  • Even though the assignment is rather simple, produce production-level code

How to run the application

  • Clone the repository
  • Run the following command from the root directory of the project
    • mvn clean install
    • mvn spring-boot:run
  • The application will be running on port 8080
  • API Documentation can be accessed at http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui/index.html#/

How to play the game

  • The game can be played by making a GET request to the following endpoint
    • http://localhost:8080/games/v1/fizzbuzz?start=1&size=1
  • The start query param denotes the starting number of the game and size denotes the number of results to be returned; which is "size + start". This is done to make the API more flexible and to allow the user to play the game with any number of results(pagination).
  • e.g. http://localhost:8080/games/v1/fizzbuzz?start=1&size=0 will return the following response
    • { items: ["1"] }
  • AND http://localhost:8080/games/v1/fizzbuzz?start=1&size=2 will return the following response
    • { items: ["1", "2", "Fizz"] }
  • The response will be an json object with items array in the following format
    • { items: ["1","2"] }
  • One can also access the swaggar documentation at http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui/index.html#/ to play the game.


  • The value of start param can not be smaller than 1.
  • The value of size param can not be smaller than 0.
  • The combined value of size + start can not be greater than 1000, which can be modified in the application.properties file; also to consider other JVM limitations.
  • As of now there is monitoring for the application, but it can be added by using the actuator module or other monitoring tools.

Pre-requisites to run the application

  • Java 8 / 17
  • Maven 3+
  • Spring Boot 2.7
  • Mac OS / Linux with configured Java and Maven.
  • Additional maven dependencies:
    • Spring Doc
    • Lombok

How to run the unit & integration tests

  • Clone the repository
  • Run the following command from the root directory of the project
    • mvn clean install
  • the unit tests will be executed and the results will be displayed in the console.
  • The integration tests can be run using FizzBuzz.postman_collection.json file in the root directory of the project. The collection can be imported in Postman and the tests can be run from there.

How to debug the application

  • Application logs can be found in fizzbuzz-application.log file in the root directory of the project.
  • For any invalid api access, a static error page(src/main/resources/static/error.html) is displayed.
  • For updating any configuration, the application.properties file can be updated.
  • Global exception handler is implemented and can be further enhanced for other exceptions.