Package Structure

1. activity

 All the activity related class files are placed under this folder

2. adapter

Grouping all the adapter classes for listviews

3. callback

Manage different types of callbacks  

4. database

Layer to create and manage the local database. All the database queries are executed here

5. eventlisteners

Extending event listeners

6. manager

Manager class to get fetch data

7. model

The modesl required for the application are declared and maintained here

8. netwwork

The web service calls are managed from here

9. util

General Utility functions

Application Flow

  • Check for internet connection
  • If connectivity exists fetch the list of pupils and populate the list view
    • On Scroll fetch additional data pupils based on the total number of pages
    • On fetching the data insert the records in the local database
  • If there is no internet connectivity check if there are any records in the local database
    • Populate the list view with the records from the local database
  • On click of an element in the list view on the pupil details in different activity


  • The value of totalPages in the api call /api/pupil?page=1 does not change as the value of page changes

Libraries Used

  1. Retrofit - API Calls
  2. RecyclerView - Listing the pupils data
  3. Glide - Loading and displaying images
  4. CircularImageView - Display the profile image in a circle
  5. GSON Converter - Parsing the API response